Can you drive to waterfalls in Maui?

Can you drive to waterfalls in Maui? If you're looking for a waterfall that is easily accessible, Twin Falls is one of the best cascades to visit. You can drive to this majestic sight as your first stop on the Road to Hana, a popular scenic drive that makes for the perfect day trip.

What do you wear on the Road to Hana?

Cozy footwear is a must. Flip-flops are the best for the beach but don't forget to bring sneakers and socks for Hana hiking. Further, we suggest wearing a swimming suit under your clothes. Maui's hiking tracks usually lead to hidden lakes and stunning waterfalls – mainly along the Road to Hana.

Do you need reservations for Road to Hana?

All visitors now must have a reservation voucher in order to enter the extremely popular Wai?anapana State Park (Black Sand Beach), along the famous Road to Hana on Maui. There is a small fee per vehicle (includes all passengers) for a parking reservation (includes entry) for a 3 hour selected allotment.

Is it better to drive the Road to Hana yourself or take a tour?

This depends on what type of traveler you are and how much time you have. If you'd rather not drive, and you want a guide you can ask questions to, a Hana van tour is the best option. If you want a little more control over where you go, and you want to do your own research, driving is your best option.

How many waterfalls are in Road to Hana?

The Road to Hana—a spellbindingly gorgeous highway that takes travelers over more than 50 bridges and around 600 curves—boasts over 18 waterfalls within a mere 54 miles.

Is Road to Hana a full day?

It will be a long day and you might not get to see and experience everything (for example, you probably won't have time for long hikes). Plan for the Road to Hana to take the entire day and don't schedule anything that you have to rush back for in the evening.

What is the best time of day to drive the Road to Hana?

If you're setting off on a Road to Hana tour in Maui, you'll want to make the most of the daylight hours. The safest and most pleasant way to travel on the Road to Hana is during daylight hours. Leaving around 7 am will leave you plenty of time for driving and a few interesting stops.

Are all waterfalls in Maui on Road to Hana?

The majority of the waterfalls on Maui are located near the Road to Hana on the east side of the island. Although many of the falls are located on the east side, there are also some located in West Maui.

How long does it take to drive the road to Hana in Maui?

The road has over 600 turns and many stops. If you were to drive straight from Ka'anapali to Hana without any stops, you could make the journey in two hours and 40 minutes. With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

How hard is the Road to Hana to drive?

Driving along the Road to Hana requires careful attention. The roads can be crowded with drivers who don't always know where they're going, and unexpected traffic backups around curves can lead to sudden stops and accidents.