Can you drive a boat to another country?

Can you drive a boat to another country? Can I legally just leave the US by taking a boat to international waters? Yes. If you visit a foreign country you have to clear immigrations and customs upon your return to the USA. Just going out to international waters and comong back is perfectly legal and does not require permission or any inspection upon return.

Do you need a passport on a yacht?

Do I need to bring my passport on my yacht charter? Every passenger on-board a yacht must have their passport on-board at all times. Most professional, luxury yachts are commercially registered vessels, just like stepping on a plane, your passport is required.

What is the Q flag in sailing?

International Code Flag Q is flown when entering most foreign ports or when returning to a U. S. port from a foreign cruise. It signals to customs and immigration officials that you request clearance. Take it down and replace it with courtesy flag after formalities are complete.

Is it cheaper to travel by boat?

It's cheaper (and cooler) than flying. Cargo cruises cost between $65 and $125 per day, which includes lodging and three meals a day. Voyages usually last between 40 and 50 days, but some people opt for segmented trips that last a few weeks, leaving on a boat, disembarking at a port, and returning home by plane.

Can you cross Europe by boat?

Did you know you can cross Europe, from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, by boat? Well you can, and it's a giant adventure.

Is it illegal to sail in international waters?

It is not illegal per se. The consequence is you will not be owed the protections that registered ships flying a national flag will be. As you don't come under any jurisdiction, you can be approached and come under the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any other state.

Do I need a license to sail in Europe?

International Certificate of Competence (ICC) An ICC is required for all the inland waterways of Europe and for both inland and offshore coastal waters of the Mediterranean countries. Failure to have the document may lead to your boat being impounded whilst you seek an ICC skipper to release the vessel.

How long can I sail in Europe?

But where do the cruising sailors go? All members of the EU also have a '90 day in 180' rule for visiting sailors, so, while Turkey remains outside the EU, presumably a cruising sailor can spend three months in Turkey and three months in the EU countries of the Med.