Can you drink tap water in Rarotonga?

Can you drink tap water in Rarotonga? Water -- Generally, the water on Rarotonga is safe to drink from the tap. It is filtered but not treated and can become slightly muddy after periods of heavy rain. If in doubt, boil it in the electric jug in your hotel room.

Do you need bug spray in Rarotonga?

Mosquitos are around all year in the Cook Islands, so it's a good idea to always have some sort of insect repellent on hand, especially when going into any forested areas. However, mosquitoes are most abundant during the wet season, from around mid-December to mid-April.

Where does Rarotonga get its water from?

Cook Islands predominant source of water for Rarotonga is surface water from streams and springs within the catchment valley. The water is drawn from 12 intakes located in the centre of the island.

How much cash should I take to Rarotonga?

Rarotonga is quite often cheaper than Aitutaki so if you're on a budget, it's safe to stay in this island. Depending on your spending habits and lifestyle, a safe manageable pocket money would be $100 - $150 NZ dollars per day. You can of course bring more than this!

What items are prohibited on the Cook Islands?

All food items brought into the Cook Islands must be declared on your arrival card otherwise they could be confiscated; including meat, dairy products, eggs, honey products, and seeds for human consumption. No fruits and vegetables are permitted.