Can you drink tap water in Athens hotel?

Can you drink tap water in Athens hotel? The answer is yes. Tap water in Athens is absolutely safe to drink. This is why we do not have to buy water bottles since all buildings have direct access to drinkable water from the nearby lakes Marathon and Yliki.

Can you tip in US dollars in Greece?

Tip in the local currency Whenever you tip during your trip to Greece it is important to use the local currency, that is - Euros. Otherwise you'll leave your service providers with cash they can't use without paying high fees on currency exchange.

Can you wear shorts in Greece?

It is acceptable to wear shorts, whether you are a woman or a man. However, NEVER (and I do mean NEVER) wear shorts if you want to visit a church or monastery. Also, if you plan to do a walking tour of Athens, ditch the shorts and opt for a dress – if you are a woman – or a pair of long pants – if you are a man.

Is tap water fine in Greece?

In Athens and many other parts of Greece, the water is safe to drink. However, because of various concerns regarding supply and infrastructure, it's popular on both the islands and the mainland to buy bottled water rather than drinking straight from the tap.

What to do with toilet roll in Greece?

The biggest thing is to note is simply this: don't flush toilet paper down the loo. You will find there are bins to the side of the toilet where you can dispose of your tissue instead. The bins tend to have lids and foot pedals and are emptied at least once daily, so it's not as gruesome as it sounds.

Do hotels in Greece have washcloths?

Hotels and BnBs do not generally provide washcloths because they are considered personal items. Europeans know to pack their own when traveling.

Do you tip in Greece restaurants?

Restaurant workers in Greece don't expect you to tip, though the restaurant may sometimes charge a service fee. That fee can function as a tip instead, though it may go to the restaurant instead of the server. If you want to see your waiter receive the tip, you're better off leaving coins with the bill.

What is the safest area to stay in Athens?

First-timers to Athens should stay in one of the walkable, central neighborhoods with easy access to the Acropolis, Agoras, and museums. Monastiraki, Plaka, Syntagma, Psirri, Makriyanni, and the City Center are just about perfect.

Should I bring a towel to Greece?

Essentials to pack for the Greek Islands Quick-drying beach towel and a waterproof bag to keep wet clothes in until you get to the laundry.

Is it rude not to tip in Greece?

There is not a strong tradition of tipping in Greece, particularly among the locals, but it's become expected that tourists leave a small tip while travelling through the country. In restaurants it's common to leave a cash tip for whoever is looking after you – 10–15 per cent is standard.

Is it safe to wear jewelry in Greece?

Is it safe to wear jewelry in Greece? Yes. Greece is a relatively safe country with low crime statistics, so you don't have to worry about wearing expensive jewelry. However, it's better to stick to light items as heavy accessories can exacerbate the heat during the day.

Can you drink hotel tap water in Greece?

Commonly Asked Questions about Greek Travel In Athens and most places across mainland Greece, the tap water is perfectly safe to drink.

What can I not bring into Greece?

It's not permitted to import meat or dairy products into Greece from outside the EU. Also prohibited are unauthorised firearms and ammunition.

Is it safe to drink tap water in hotel room?

Hotel water is often as safe as the public water supply where the hotel is located,” Bartell told Verywell in an email. “But some remote hotels have their own private water supplies, which are less regulated.” In some older hotels, tap water might be contaminated by lead pipes, Bartell added.

Can you drink hotel tap water in Europe?

Europe's Water Is Generally Safe The tap water throughout most of Europe is completely safe to drink. The taps in hotels, homes, restaurants and cafés all run with potable water. Of course, there's always room for common sense.

Is it safe to walk in Athens at night?

Athens is generally a safe place to be at night, but it is always advisable to take precautionary measures. The center of Athens and the neighborhoods around it are known for their vibrant nightlife since many people can be seen on the streets even after midnight.

Can you flush toilet paper in Greece hotels?

While there may be exceptions in some newly built resorts and modern hotels, the overwhelmingly common rule is to avoid flushing paper products down the toilets in Greece. And don't worry about forgetting. You'll come across plenty of fun signage to remind you.

Why is hotel water different?

The hotels soften the water to prevent hardness scales from forming which can limiting water flow, damage pipes, promote corrosion, leave deposits that have to be cleaned.