Can you drink beer on trains in Europe?

Can you drink beer on trains in Europe? Yes, you can drink alcohol on many trains in Europe and the UK.

Can you drink beer on German trains?

Some private train companies have an alcohol Ban but on regular DB trains (ICE for instance) you are still allowed to consume alcohol. And yes, you may bring your own.

Can you drink on the trains in Ireland?

Alcohol remains banned on-board but in some cases, people do not obey those rules - and in some cases this is where issues arise. By and large the alcohol ban is observed but there can be instances where people do engage in taking alcohol when not permitted, Jane Cregan said.

Can you drink alcohol on Trainline trains?

While you can bring your own food and drink (alcohol included) onto most trains, many offer some type of food and beverage either for purchase or included in your ticket price.

Can you drink on Czech trains?

Food & drink. There's usually a refreshment trolley on the Czech train between Cheb and Prague. You are of course free to take your own picnic and even beer or wine onto all of these trains.

Can you drink on Swedish trains?

Alcohol can be taken on the train but drinking it is strictly prohibited. You are welcome to our bistro where you can buy alcoholic beverages. You need to be at least 18 years old to buy alcohol.