Can you drink at 18 in the Bahamas?

Can you drink at 18 in the Bahamas? Drinking Laws -- Alcohol is sold in liquor stores and various convenience stores; it's readily available at all hours, though not for sale on Sundays. The legal drinking age in The Bahamas is 18.

Can you drink at 18 on a cruise to the Bahamas?

To book: You must be over the age of 18, AND one person in your cabin MUST be 21 years old by the date of sailing. Alcohol: The drinking age ON-BOARD the ship is 21 at all times (regardless of it being in “international waters”). Drinking age ASHORE (OFF THE SHIP) in Nassau is 18.

Can an 18 year old buy alcohol in the Bahamas?

Alcohol. The legal drinking age in the Bahamas in 18. Visitors can legally consume or purchase alcohol in the country at that age, regardless of the drinking age in their home country. Just be aware that alcohol isn't sold on Sundays though!

Can 18 year olds drink on cruises?

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages / Tobacco Products Guests must be 21 years of age or older to be served alcohol on board. Proper I.D with birth date is required. In keeping with U.S. federal law, the age for the sale of tobacco products is 21. This policy is for U.S.-based itineraries/ships only.

How strict is Royal Caribbean with alcohol?

Can I bring booze onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise? Bringing alcohol onboard at embarkation: Passengers can bring onboard a maximum of two bottles of wine or Champagne (750 ml each) per cabin during embarkation only; if spirits or beer are found, they will be confiscated and destroyed.

What islands can you drink at 18?

In the United States, the minimum legal age to purchase alcoholic beverages is 21 years of age; the two exceptions are Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands where the age is 18.

Do they ID in the Bahamas?

While The Bahamas technically allows entry with just a valid government-issued photo ID, in practice passports are usually necessary—if you are flying. If you arrive in The Bahamas on a cruise ship, the rules are different.