Can you drink and walk in Paris?

Can you drink and walk in Paris? A public space that is not a park - such as a street or river bank - will usually be OK to drink in unless there is a police order in place. In the summer in Paris it's common to see people heading to the banks of the Seine or the Canal Saint-Martin with some friends and a bottle of wine, and this is perfectly legal.

Can you drink alcohol on French trains?

Most long distance trains have a restaurant café where you can buy snacks or a meal for your journey but if you do not feel for train food you can of course bring your own, even a bottle of wine if you want to really be in keeping with the French, as there are of course no rules against drinking wine and eating cheese ...

Is it rude to leave food on your plate in Paris?

French waiters are trained not to clear plates until every party is finished eating. It is not necessarily rude to leave food on a plate in Paris, but when someone is finished eating, they should place their knife and fork across their plate to indicate to the waiter they are done.

Is it considered rude to tip in France?

Tipping is not considered etiquette by French people in French restaurants, but if you enjoyed your meal, it's nice to leave 5 - 10%. If you really enjoyed the meal, or plan on returning to the restaurant and want the wait staff to like you, 15% is a generous tip.

Is it OK to walk in Paris at night?

Walking around Paris at night can be safe in many areas, but it's essential to stay cautious. Stick to well-lit and crowded areas, avoid empty streets, and be mindful of your belongings. Utilize public transportation or taxis when needed for added security.

What is bad etiquette in France?

The French have a reputation of being late often; whether it's true or false, being late is always considered rude. In France, we refrain from calling after 22:00 hours on the phone (10 pm), except when calling close friends. Spitting in the street is strictly prohibited. Belching in public is very rude.

Why should you only tip 6 in France?

You don't need to tip French waitstaff because they get a living wage and benefits. Unless a restaurant is hiring workers illegally, its waitstaff is being paid a living wage and has benefits, as well. So tips aren't a crucial part of a server's income in France.