Can you do a day trip from Niagara Falls to Toronto?

Can you do a day trip from Niagara Falls to Toronto? Experience Toronto's top attractions in a single day on an 8-hour tour from Niagara Falls. Private transportation takes you from your hotel across the Canadian border. Enjoy a guided tour of Toronto's downtown area with your private guide, before heading to the CN Tower.

What Canadian city is closest to Niagara Falls?

Toronto and Hamilton are two Canadian cities closest to Niagara Falls. Hamilton is nearer to Niagara Falls at a distance of 64 km while Toronto is a bit farther off at 67 km. If you are planning a trip to Niagara Falls, the first thing you have to decide on is the mode of travel.

How far is Niagara Falls from train station?

2 miles The distance between Niagara Falls Amtrak Station and Niagara Falls State Park is 2 miles.

How many days in Toronto is enough?

To see and experience all that is Toronto, you should plan a stay of at least a week (preferably in spring, summer, or fall -- winters can be bitter, though no worse than a winter in New York City). If you're here for a short period, you need to plan carefully so you don't miss the must-see sights.

How much does it cost to go to Niagara Falls?

It's always free to walk into Niagara Falls State Park to see the Falls, and it's open 365 days a year! What many people are happy to discover, however, is that along with this majestic natural wonder, the Niagara Falls tours and activities that you can enjoy inside the park provide hours of added fun!

How far apart is Toronto and Niagara Falls?

Niagara Falls is located about 80 miles away from Toronto, making for a short trip via car, train, or bus.

Is Niagara cheaper than Toronto?

Overall cost of living Cost of living in Toronto averages at approximately $94,967 while Niagara's cost of living is about $71,876.

How long do you need at Niagara Falls?

As for how long you should plan to visit Niagara Falls, we recommend at least two days to fully experience the beauty and excitement this destination has to offer. With so many incredible attractions and activities, it's important to give yourself enough time to explore and make the most of your trip.

Can you visit both sides of Niagara Falls in one day?

Most would agree that the Canadian side offers better views of the falls, while the American side is home to Niagara Falls State Park. Fortunately, you can visit both sides of the border in one day via the Rainbow Bridge. This bridge connects the two countries and visitors can cross on foot or by car.