Can you check SEPTA balance online?
Can you check SEPTA balance online? Need to register, reload, check your balance, or adjust your autoload setting? Go to or through the official SEPTA App, which has been updated to include the SEPTA Key, giving you the ability to manage your accounts and purchase fares with the tap of an icon.
Can I ride SEPTA without a key card?
At the Kiosk you can buy a Key Card, load/reload a fare, as well as check the balance on your Travel Wallet. Kiosks accept credit, debit, and cash—just check the signage on the equipment. The Fare Kiosk also sells a Quick Trip for customers without a Key Card who only want to purchase a single ride fare.
Can I tap my debit card on SEPTA bus?
SEPTA accepts Contactless payment (any credit/debit card or Apple/Google/Samsung Pay) on bus and Metro (includes BSL, MFL, NHSL & Trolley). SEPTA accepts cash for travel on any of its transit services. Exact fare is required.
Does SEPTA have a mobile app?
The official SEPTA app brings our entire transit network directly to you with convenient access to schedule information, real-time updates, trip planning, fare options, social media connections, and Customer Service.
What happens if you forget to tap out SEPTA Key?
If you do not tap in to start your trip or tap out to end it, you could be charged up to the maximum single-trip fare. Customers who have a Weekly or Monthly TrailPass on a SEPTA Key card will also be required to tap on and off.
How much does it cost to ride the SEPTA trolley?
If you have a SEPTA Key card - the (Travel Wallet) fare is $2 per ride; your first and second transfer is free. If you're paying cash - the cost is $2.50 and you must have exact change - the Operator cannot make change.
How to use SEPTA without card?
No card? No problem. Available in the official SEPTA App - SEPTA Key Tix is THE a convenient way to pay for one or up to five (5) people using your smartphone! Use a credit or debit card to download a QR-code “ticket” that can be read at fareboxes and turnstiles.