Can you change passport details after check in Ryanair?

Can you change passport details after check in Ryanair? No. Once you have checked in, you cannot change your travel documents online. Please contact us to register your new travel documents.

Does Ryanair refund if I cancel?

Ryanair tickets are generally non-refundable. If your flight operated and you didn't travel, you're not entitled to a refund.

What happens if you put wrong passport details at check-in?

What if I don't correct the details? If there's a mistake in your name, nationality, date of birth, or passport/ID details, the carrier might not allow you to board. You might also face difficulties getting through immigration.

What happens if your ticket doesn t exactly match your passport?

In the US, you have up to 24 hours to cancel your flight without any cancellation fees. If you do not catch the misspelling of your name as it is on your ID card or passport, you can be denied entry through security. You might have to buy a new ticket.

Can I change my passport number after booking a flight Qatar?

Yes, you may reach our customer service team to modify your passport details after booking the ticket. Passport details are not mandatory to be updated at the time of booking.

What if my airline ticket has my middle name but my passport does not?

As long as your first name and surname are correct then you will be fine. First and last names are generally what is checked, usually though this is when passport has middle names and tickets dont, not the other way round.

Can I use my old passport while waiting for a new one?

Use your old passport and you will be able to travel anywhere as long as there is 6 months validity remaining. Might be different for each country. In the US they take your old passport while processing the new one.

What happens if you make a mistake on online check in?

Final: since the data you entered during online checkin is always overwritten during the document check, it is impossible to be denied boarding for the mistakes/typos made during online checkin*. Even if for some reason the airline decides to verify it, they would simply enter the correct the data and let you through.

Does your airline ticket have to match your passport exactly?

Answer: As part of the TSA's Secure Flight Program, the names on airline tickets must match the name on passports. We recommend that you contact the airline you are traveling with to see if they can provide a solution for the name mismatch.

What is the 24 hour rule with Ryanair?

If you act fast, you can make changes without having to pay any fees. Ryanair offers a 24-hour grace period² where you can change dates and times (and reverse the routing destinations if you accidentally get your airport arrivals and departures the wrong way around) free of charge.