Can you cancel Siam Park tickets?

Can you cancel Siam Park tickets? Cancellation policy: To obtain a full refund of the ticket, the cancellation must be made within 24 hours before the date of entry to the park. If the client cancels with less than 24 hours, the ticket will not be refundable. *NOTE: External food and/or drinks are not allowed.

Can you get photos at Siam Park?

Yes, we take a photo at the Park entrance. Is being sold at the exit.

Do I need to take my passport to Siam Park?

?Hi, we get access to Siam park through first choice & also came here last year. Can't remember what you need to take with you for ID to collect the tickets on the 1st day, seem to remember you need to take passports ? ? You need to bring your passport and the tickets. They will give you the unlimited access tickets.

How early should I get to Siam Park?

Get there for around 9:30 - 9:45 am the park opens at 10 am but they usually open a little earlier. This way you avoid lots of people as the buses will arrive from 10:30 am to 11 am so you will get lots of time to do the big rides with no waiting.

How often does the wave pool go off in Siam Park?

The Wave Palace creates one wave every 60-90 seconds, which 40-60 waves per hour.

Is Siam Park salt water?

“Are the pools and rides salt water?” From Wkipaedia: To conserve the island's water, Siam Park has a desalination plant on site, which desalinates 700 cubic meters (25,000 cu ft) of sea water per day. After the water is used in the rides, the park recycles the water by using it to water the park's plants.

Can you leave Siam Park and go back in?

“Can you leave the park and return on the same day ? So like popping out for lunch if you didn't want to eat inside the park. ” The short answer is, Yes, you can. Plenty to choose at Siam Mall which is a very short walk BUT, as others have said: you'd be losing time from attractions.

Is the water heated in Siam Park?

The park's water is heated to 25 °C (77 °F). Kiessling calls Siam Park the first air conditioned outdoor aquatic park in the world.

Do you need to be able to swim to go to Siam Park?

Non Swimmer?: You don't have to be a swimmer to enjoy the water rides and other attractions at the kingdom of Siam Park.

What is the quietest day to go to Siam Park?

Quietest Days to Visit If you prefer a less crowded environment, Sundays are typically the quietest days at Siam Park. Tuesdays and Fridays also tend to be less busy as these are changeover days when visitors are either arriving or leaving.

Do you need shoes at Siam Park?

Why wear shoes in Siam Park? Walking around a water park can be a strange experience. The ground can get hot, and there's always the risk of stepping on something sharp or slippery. Shoes provide a protective barrier between your feet and the ground, ensuring you don't end up with unexpected cuts or burns.

Can you wear shorts at Siam Park?

Yes. People can even wear t-shirts when on the rides. :-) Helpful?

Do you need towels for Siam Park?

Thus, floats and vests are included in the entrance fee, and the use of sunbeds and umbrellas is free of charge (provided they are available). backpack to store your things is an option. You can rent a towel at the park, but you can also bring your own, of course.

Do you need to swim at Siam Park?

Note: price subject to change. Non Swimmer?: You don't have to be a swimmer to enjoy the water rides and other attractions at the kingdom of Siam Park. Restrictions: These apply to some of the slides.

Do you have to print Siam Park tickets?

It is not necessary to print the ticket to access the park, the QR code on the mobile phone is enough. Siam Park may ask the user for any document proving identity and age.

Is Siam Park fast pass worth it?

Summary. In summary, the Siam Park Fast Pass ticket, priced at 28 Euros, is a sure-fire way to enhance your experience at one of Tenerife's top attractions. With significantly reduced waiting times, you're free to enjoy the adrenaline-pumping rides and the relaxing leisure spots at your own pace.

Can you get changed at Siam Park?

We have dressing rooms and showers free of charge. Free wireless internet connection in the whole park.

Is the water cold at Siam Park?

The water in Siam Park is always and constantly changing. Siam Park is taking water from the ocean, then water is going throught huge cleaning system, eliminating by the way 80% of salt and finally it is heated or cooled to 24C. 24C always, so you'd never feel the water is too cold or too warm in Siam Park.

Does Siam Park have a lazy river?

Lazy River 1 km A tropical river running through the park with slow and fast sections offering the best views of it. It also has a special “relax” area to complete the experience.