Can you cancel a 12 month TTC pass?
Can you cancel a 12 month TTC pass? If you do not wish that agreement to be renewed, you must cancel your contract online, or notify Metrolinx at PRESTO Customer Service at 1-877-378-6123, prior to the 23rd day of the 12th month as set out in the Use Agreement.
Can I use my debit card as a PRESTO card?
A PRESTO reader can detect PRESTO cards as well as debit and credit cards, please take the card you want to pay with out of your wallet when you tap, to avoid unwanted charges on other cards. $3.30 will be charged to your card. This is the same as the adult PRESTO fare.
Do TTC PRESTO cards expire?
PRESTO cards no longer expire, even if there is an expiry date shown on the card (you may continue to use your card even after any indicated expiry date).
Can I pay cash on TTC bus?
You need a PRESTO Card, one-ride, two-ride or day pass PRESTO Ticket, TTC ticket, token, day pass, transfer, debit or credit card, or exact cash to pay your fare on the TTC. Operators on buses and streetcars do not sell fares or carry change, so you must have a form of payment ready before you board a vehicle.
Can I use my PRESTO card for two persons?
Q: Can I use my PRESTO to pay for someone else with me (in addition to using it to pay my own fare)? A: No. However, you may lend your card to someone else if they are in the same fare category as you (i.e. if you have a student pass on your card, the person borrowing it cannot use it unless they are also a student).
What happens if you forget to tap off?
Missed Tap Off Cost If you don't have a default set on your card and you forget to tap off at the end of your trip, you'll be charged the fare to the last stop on the train line or bus route and with your fare type and any applicable loyalty discounts applied.