Can you bring your own towel to Blue Lagoon?

Can you bring your own towel to Blue Lagoon? Use of Blue Lagoon skin care shower gel and hair conditioner is complimentary. If you desire more privacy while you shower, locate a shower that is equipped with a door. Can I bring my own towels? You are welcome to bring your own towel, robe, slippers or whatever else you might need during your stay.

Can I take pictures in the Blue Lagoon?

You are welcome to bring a camera and take photos during your time in the lagoon for yourself. However, we do not allow any photography in or around the locker rooms. We are not responsible for any loss or water damage to cameras.

Is 2 hours at Blue Lagoon enough?

On average, we would say that it is absolutely enough to allow yourself two hours for the Blue Lagoon. However, the time every traveler needs for visiting the Blue Lagoon is highly individual.

Is the Blue Lagoon in Iceland warm?

The water in the Blue Lagoon is heated to around 37-40 degrees Celsius (98-104 F). Due to fluctuations in weather conditions, the precise temperature may change month to month, however you can expect pleasantly warm waters year-round. The sensation is similar to stepping into a hot bath.

Is Blue Lagoon better at night or day?

The best time to visit the Blue Lagoon is in the evening to enjoy the midnight sun in summer or the northern lights in winter. The average water temperature is 102 F (39 C) all year. The Blue Lagoon is not natural and was formed in 1976.

What time is Blue Lagoon busiest?

Time of the Day During the day, the Blue Lagoon fills up, and the busiest times are between 11 AM and 3 PM.

Do you need a bathrobe at the Blue Lagoon?

If you book the Premium or Luxury packages, then your entrance also includes a bathrobe. If you have your own towel (or bathrobe), you are welcome to bring it to the Blue Lagoon to use. However, we recommend just using the free towel provided as otherwise you will have wet towels to take home with you.

Do you get a free drink at Blue Lagoon?

Leave your water in your locker and you can go back in and drink whenever you like. You also get one free drink of your choice included with your Blue Lagoon Tickets. You get to enjoy this beverage at the swim up bar inside the lagoon itself!

Should I take flip-flops to Blue Lagoon?

Many guests prefer to use flip-flops while walking in and around the water. If you would like to wear flip-flops, you may bring them with you or purchase them at the Blue Lagoon reception desk. Water shoes are allowed, but we don't offer them for sale.

Are there showers with doors in Blue Lagoon?

The Blue Lagoon is the only swimming place in the whole of Iceland that has actually fitted showers with doors on them. This is a bizarre sight for Icelanders but may be a comfort to some. Everyone tells you to just put conditioner into your hair and you'll be fine. Not true.

Do you get given a towel at the Blue Lagoon?

You are welcome to bring your own towel, robe or slippers. However, towels are included in all packages, so there is no need to bring it with you.

Should I get my hair wet in the Blue Lagoon?

While these are great for your skin, they can leave your hair feeling dry and matted. To minimize these potential effects, we recommend that you avoid immersing your hair in the water for too long and that you rinse your hair with fresh water after exiting the lagoon.

Do you have to shower after Blue Lagoon?

Do you shower after the Blue Lagoon? Yes, you should shower before and after your stay at the lagoon. Guests are required to shower, without their swimsuit, prior to using the geothermal spa. Simply use the showers and soaps available in the changing rooms.

Should I bring a towel to a water park?

We've been to a few water parks, and some provide towels while others do not. And the ones that do often give you towels that are too small, and limit you to one per person. So, we always bring along a few beach towels. When the water fun is done, you'll want to get back into dry clothes.

Can I keep my hair dry at the Blue Lagoon?

To avoid getting your hair wet while in the Blue Lagoon, we recommend using a swim cap or tying your hair in a bun.

Do you have to shower before Secret lagoon?

YES! It is mandatory to shower without swimsuit before entering the lagoon. It is part of the Icelandic culture to do so and considered disrespectful if you do not shower. This rule is there for your health and safety as well, as we do not use any chemicals in the lagoon.

Do I need sunscreen at the Blue Lagoon?

Wear sunscreen & sunglasses. Stay hydrated. Remember to shower before and after getting into the Blue Lagoon. Leave plenty of time to enjoy the Blue Lagoon.

Do you get towels at the Sky Lagoon?

A towel is included in all packages. This includes purchases from the Lagoon bar, Sky Cafe and Smakk Bar, as well as your private changing and private shower room with the signature Sky Body Lotion should you purchase this package!

Can I take my phone in the Blue Lagoon?

You're sure to want to take some photos in the otherworldly surroundings of the Blue Lagoon, so you'll be pleased to hear that phones are allowed. However, there are no designated places to put your phone when you're not using it, so you take it in at your own risk.