Can you bring snacks on VIA Rail?

Can you bring snacks on VIA Rail? You can bring your own food on the train, however there are also snacks, meals, and beverages available to purchase on board.

Is there WIFI on VIA Rail?

VIA Rail is proud to provide complimentary Wi-Fi service on board most of its trains, in its Business lounges and in select stations in the Québec City – Windsor corridor. Note that Wi-Fi is also offered on board the Ocean train (Montreal - Halifax) in the service cars located on either side of the dining car.

How early should I be at VIA Rail?

We recommend arriving at least 20-30 minutes before the departure time to prepare for the boarding process. If you are unfamiliar with the departure station, it's always good to leave extra time to find your way around!

Do they always check railcards?

Ticket checks are very frequent and you are always asked for your Railcard. Furthermore, to get away with buying a Railcard-discounted ticket without holding a valid Railcard, you would have to rely on not having your ticket checked.

Can I bring a full water bottle on a train?

If you're in a sleeper, bottled water is supplied to you, as well as all meals in the Dining Car. There's no restriction on how much waster or other liquids you can bring, unlike the airlines. And there is no security theater to check if you have any liquids, silverware, etc... that is not allowed.

What can you not take on a train UK?

Luggage that is not permitted Items larger than 1 metre in any dimension that you cannot carry without assistance. This includes canoes, hang-gliders, large furniture and large musical instruments. Surfboards. Motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters and motorised cycles.

Where do you put your backpack on a train?

Especially on a packed train, if you have your backpack on your back, it will prevent people from coming in. So the rule is to put it down on the floor between your legs, put it on the top compartment, or carry your backpack in front of you.

Can you charge your phone on VIA Rail?

Are electrical outlets available on board your trains? All HEP train cars feature at-your-seat power outlets in both Business class and Economy class.

Can I drink tap water on train?

So they err on the side of caution, and instruct you not to drink the water, because they can't guarantee that it's potable. Even if the water is great when it goes in, it sits around in an unrefrigerated tank that doesn't get a thorough cleaning every day. That alone is enough to disqualify it for drinking.

Can you eat and drink on UK trains?

While you can bring your own food and drink (alcohol included) onto most trains, many offer some type of food and beverage either for purchase or included in your ticket price. For example, UK's LNER trains serve sandwiches, snacks, coffee, juice, and more.

Can I eat my own food on a train?

Bringing Your Food Aboard You may bring your own food and beverages onboard for consumption at your seat or private Sleeping Car accommodations. However, you can only consume food and beverages purchased in Dining and Lounge Cars in those cars.

Are there security checks for VIA Rail?

There are no security checkpoints. Via recommends arriving 30 minutes early but that only really matters if you are checking luggage and not all Corridor trains even have baggage cars. You can bring your own food and (non-alcoholic) beverages with you aboard the train. There is also items sold aboard the train.

What is allowed in a carry-on bag?

Items subject to the 3-1-1 rule include liquid and aerosol deodorant, cologne, perfume, shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, lotion, sunscreen and toothpaste. Outside of your clear quart-sized bag, you can pack your solid deodorant, toothbrush (manual and electronic), tweezers and mirrors.