Can Uber drivers see what you rate them?

Can Uber drivers see what you rate them? After each trip, riders and drivers have the opportunity to rate each other from 1 to 5 stars, based on their trip experience. Ratings are anonymous.

Is 4.72 a good Uber passenger rating?

It's pretty average… most riders will have a 4.8 or higher. Anything less than 4.7 and you will start seeing it take longer to get a ride, because drivers will begin declining to take a ride from someone with a rating so low.

Is a 4.79 Uber rating bad?

If you're between a 4.7 and 4.79, you're a solid passenger, but you may have a slightly questionable history.

Why is my Uber rating less than 5?

Your rating is the average of your last 500 trips. If you want to help improve your rating, drivers have shared some of the top reasons they hand out fewer stars: Pack it in, pack it out: Drivers shouldn't have to clean up after you. Always make sure to take your trash and any other belongings with you.

Is 4.56 a bad Uber rating?

Uber wouldn't provide information about average ratings, but driver Harry Campbell, 29, says that most riders are a 4.8 — and anything below a 4.6 signals a problematic passenger.

What is a 4.6 Uber driver rating?

The basic consensus is this: Anything above a 4.9 is excellent, possibly even worth bragging about on Tinder; the 4.8 range is good; the 4.7 range is merely fine; the 4.6 range is nearing the borderline. Once your rating dips below 4.6, drivers start thinking you might be a little sketchy.

What happens when you rate an Uber driver?

After each trip, riders and drivers have the opportunity to rate each other from 1 to 5 stars, based on their trip experience. Ratings are anonymous. You won't see individual ratings tied to a particular trip or person.

What rating will get you kicked off Uber?

Low Uber Driver Ratings You should ensure that your rating is always above 4.8 because if it falls below 4.6, you risk deactivation.

Is an Uber rating of 4.92 good?

4.92 is really good. You have to remember that not everyone understands how the ratings work.

How do I remove a 1 star rating on Uber?

In order to ensure a consistent and reliable experience, we are unable to remove individual trip ratings on request. Keep in mind that although you will rate a rider after every trip, riders are not required to do the same. Ratings are optional for riders.

How rare is a 5.0 Uber rating?

A single 5 star rating from either a driver or a rider is the most common. A perfect 5.00 score though is rare. There are very few drivers who have a 5.00 - less than 1% of the total population. And among them, some are able to maintain the 5.00 consistently.

Is 4.3 a bad Uber rating?

I have a 4.85 Uber passenger rating, is that good, bad, or average? It's pretty average… most riders will have a 4.8 or higher. Anything less than 4.7 and you will start seeing it take longer to get a ride, because drivers will begin declining to take a ride from someone with a rating so low.

Does tipping affect Uber rating?

Uber drivers have to submit their rating of you before they see if you gave them a tip so it doesn't matter. A cash tip before you get out of the car would almost certainly guarantee a five star rating.

Do higher rated Uber drivers get more rides?

As an Uber driver, a 5 star rating often means more passengers, more fares and (hopefully) more tips. So to become a successful private hire taxi driver, it's important to get those stars.

Is 4.75 a good Uber rating?

What is a Good Uber Rider Rating? Any rating above 4.7 is good to excellent. While a 5 star rating is the best you can get, it is virtually impossible to maintain. Drivers try to rate honestly, but sometimes you get the short end of the stick and catch them on a bad day, or do something they might not like.

Does Uber know if you speed?

Uber's driver app can detect and record if you are accelerating aggressively, stopping quickly instead of gradually and if you are exceeding the speed limit for a specific stretch of roadway.