Can Uber drivers see my email?

Can Uber drivers see my email? Uber drivers don't see anything but the first name you gave to Uber and whatever address you're being picked up at, or that you're having food dropped off at. We don't have any of your information at all, and after the ride or delivery is completed, the address gets deleted from the app.

Does Uber give out personal information?

Uber is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users' data. With limited exceptions like emergencies, we require a valid and sufficient legal process from official government agencies before we disclose any information about our users.

Is it OK not to talk to your Uber driver?

And those who preferred not to talk, whatever they're comfortable with was fine with me. I had one rider who, before he got out of my car, said, “thank you for not trying to keep a conversation going, I wasn't in the mood to talk.” So, whatever you're comfortable with, go with it.

Does Uber share information with police?

Uber is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users' data. With limited exceptions like emergencies, we require a valid and sufficient legal process from official government agencies before we disclose any information about our users.

Can you find out who your Uber driver was?

Once a driver accepts your trip, you'll be able to scroll down to a card that opens their driver profile.

Should you give Uber your phone number?

Your safety is our top priority and we're constantly working on improving our technology to make you feel secure before, during and after your Uber ride. With phone anonymisation feature the privacy of riders and driver- partners will be kept at all times.

What information does an Uber driver see?

Every Uber driver knows the same information about each of their clients: their name, location, preferred car type(s), phone number(s) and interactive ratings—that is, how they've rated their past drivers, and how those drivers have rated them.

How does Uber driver know where you are?

When you request an Uber or Lyft, the app “marks your location with a pin”. You are then supposed to check to be sure that location is correct, and if it isn't, then you can move the pin to the actual location you want to be picked up. You should also turn on location sharing.

Do Uber drivers see your destination before accepting?

Uber drivers cannot see the destination address when they accept a ride? They can't see it when they initially accept rides, only when they start the ride.

Should I text my Uber driver?

Yes! It is really easy to contact the driver before or after the ride, and it is also completely safe, as you both maintain complete privacy and do not share your phone numbers.

How do I get only female Uber drivers?

To keep from taking chances with Uber and Lyft, which do not allow passengers to choose their driver's gender, female passengers may prefer to hail a ride from companies that only work with female drivers. Such companies include: SheSafe. Safr.

Does Uber share data with police?

U.S. Law Enforcement The ECPA prohibits Uber from disclosing certain categories of user data without legal process, such as a subpoena, court order, or search warrant. There are also certain exceptions to ECPA's prohibition on sharing user data.

Is Uber safe for females?

Our Community Guidelines prohibit sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind while using Uber. Personal space and privacy should be respected, period. If something happens, you can report it to Uber in the app during or after your trip. We'll take appropriate action to help keep our platform safe.

Is 4.97 a good Uber rating?

If your rating is between 4.94 and 4.99, you are a great passenger with lots of experience. For the longest time, my driver rating was a perfect 5.0 on both Uber and Lyft.

How do I remove a 1 star rating on Uber?

In order to ensure a consistent and reliable experience, we are unable to remove individual trip ratings on request. Keep in mind that although you will rate a rider after every trip, riders are not required to do the same. Ratings are optional for riders.

Why do Uber drivers ask where you are going?

The main reason is to avoid drivers cherry picking rides. Some drivers want only short rides, others only want long rides. Drivers will also avoid going to certain areas of their city for whatever reason.

Does tipping affect Uber rating?

Uber drivers have to submit their rating of you before they see if you gave them a tip so it doesn't matter. A cash tip before you get out of the car would almost certainly guarantee a five star rating.

Should you trust Uber drivers?

If you're riding with an unsafe driver, you should ask them to stop and let you out. You can then report them to the company and request another driver. It's best not to take chances when riding with Uber drivers who increase the chances for an accident.

How much do you tip Uber drivers?

How much should you tip Uber drivers? Similar to tipping for other services, like getting a massage or going to the nail salon, the rule of thumb is to tip 20%, says Sokolosky. So if your ride costs $30—an average cost for a moderate trip in most cities—then you'll tip $6, for a total of $36.

Can my wife ride with me while I Uber?

You can not bring anyone with you while doing Uber / Lyft passenger trips. You CAN however bring whoever you'd like with you on UberEats trips.

Can Uber drivers see your passenger rating?

Your rating is the average of your last 500 trips, and is measured out of 5 stars. Ratings are anonymous, so neither you nor the driver partner will see individual ratings, just a breakdown of overall ratings in the Privacy Centre.