Can two captains be in a ship?

Can two captains be in a ship? It is possible for a ship to have two or even three captains but only one of them has the supreme authority to command the ship. Yep, I experienced having three Captains, that's three master mariners on board and it usually happens on tanker ships.

What do captains call their first mate?

A chief mate (C/M) or chief officer, usually also synonymous with the first mate or first officer, is a licensed mariner and head of the deck department of a merchant ship. The chief mate is customarily a watchstander and is in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew.

Why can a ship captain marry you?

A ship's captain generally does NOT have the legal right to officiate a wedding at sea. In order for a Captain of a ship to perform a marriage at sea, he must also be a judge, a justice of the peace, a minister, or an officially recognized officiant such as a Notary Public.

Do all captains go down with the ship?

There is no universal maritime law that states a captain must go down with their ship. Such a broad statement would not apply to every scenario, such as a situation where a vessel is sinking but all crew members and passengers have already been rescued.