Can the FAA see my medical records?

Can the FAA see my medical records? General Information - Privacy of Medical Information Within FAA , access to an individual's medical information is strictly on a need to know basis.

What to do if denied FAA medical?

If a request for special issuance certification is denied by the FAA, the only recourse available to the applicant is to later make another request for special issuance status to the FAA, supported by evidence showing sustained medical stability or improvement.

Does FAA check your medical history?

But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. If you ever need to submit medical records to the FAA, they will review everything you give them.

Can the FAA see my VA records?

The FAA is currently cross-checking former military pilots' medical certification with the disability-benefits records of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Can I get an FAA medical with a DUI?

If you have one previous DUI conviction in which your blood alcohol level was under . 15, and you submitted to the breath test and timely reported the arrest to the FAA as required, your medical examiner may be permitted to issue your aviation medical certificate without any involvement by the FAA.

How do I pass a FAA medical?

To obtain a medical certificate you must be examined by an FAA-designated Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). As the airman you should follow these steps to apply for and obtain your medical certificate: Use MedXPress, to complete the initial portion of the application.

Can the FAA revoke a medical?

The US Code of Federal Regulations Section 67.403(c)(1) provides for revocation or suspension of a medical certificate if you entered an incorrect statement on an application for a medical certificate, upon which the FAA relied.

What happens if you lie on your FAA medical?

You can be fined up to $250,000 and jailed for five years for lying to the federal government.

Does Hipaa apply to the FAA?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( HIPAA ) and Examiner's activities for FAA . This Act provides specific patient protections and depending upon an Examiner's activation and practice patterns, you may have to comply with additional requirements.

What must be reported to the FAA?

Occurrences Requiring Notification.
  • Flight control system malfunction or failure.
  • Inability of any required flight crew member to perform their normal flight duties as a result of injury or illness.
  • Failure of structural components of a turbine engine excluding compressor and turbine blades and vanes.
  • Inflight fire.

How strict is FAA background check?

What does the FAA look at in a background check? The FAA has a lengthy list of “disqualifying crimes.” Such convictions include murder, espionage, kidnapping, armed robbery, destruction of aircraft, and carrying a weapon or bomb aboard an aircraft.

What shows up on a FAA background check?

Criminal Background Check Required
  • Aircraft piracy.
  • Aircraft piracy outside the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States.
  • Armed robbery.
  • Assault with intent to murder.
  • Carrying a weapon or explosive aboard an aircraft.
  • Commission of certain crimes aboard aircraft in flight.
  • Conveying false information and threats.

Is anxiety a disqualifier for FAA medical?

Myth: I will lose my FAA medical if I seek help for any mental health situation. Truth: The FAA will be concerned if you are clinically diagnosed with a psychiatric condition (depressive disorders, psychosis, personality disorders, anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder) or a substance abuse disorder.

What disqualifies you from a FAA medical exam?

Unless otherwise directed by the FAA, the Examiner must deny or defer if the applicant has a history of: (1) Diabetes mellitus requiring hypoglycemic medication; (2) Angina pectoris; (3) Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant; (4) Myocardial ...

How long does FAA take to review medical?

In the best case, they may issue you a certificate. Frequently, the review and submission process can repeat itself for several iterations. The process generally takes up to six months, but we have heard from a number of pilots who have spent more than a year stuck in the review and submission loop.