Can I wear blue in Kenya?

Can I wear blue in Kenya? Avoid bright colours like white and red and dark colours like black and blue as this can attract Tsetse flies. Keep it simple with layered clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and bring a woolly hat and gloves for those chilly morning game drives.

What colors to avoid in Kenya?

Avoid bright colours like white and red and dark colours like black and blue as this can attract Tsetse flies. Keep it simple with layered clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and bring a woolly hat and gloves for those chilly morning game drives.

Is it okay to wear blue on safari?

Blue and black Black and blue stand out in the bush, but there is another reason to avoid wearing these colours on safari. If you are travelling to an area with tsetse flies, this attracts the dreaded fly – an insect with a painful bite – so much so that fly traps are made from blue and black fabric.

Is Pale blue OK on safari?

Many African safaris take place in malaria zones. So avoiding mozzie bites is of great importance. Another insect you really don't want biting you is the tsetse fly, which transmits the bacterial disease that causes sleeping sickness. They're attracted by the colour blue, so avoid wearing blue on safari.

Can I wear shorts in Masai Mara?

In general clothes to carry for safari in Masai Mara national reserve include pair of socks, long sleeved shirts, shorts, trousers, chinos and many more.

What not to wear on African safari?

Camouflage clothing is illegal in some African countries and bright colours, black, and white should be avoided unless around the lodge. Dark colours also tend to be more attractive to insects. Technical fabrics are also preferable over natural fibres for their comfort and performance in hot climates.

What colors not to wear in jungle?

Black clothes attract mosquitos and other insects. Additionally, trekking around the jungle under the Amazonian sun, wearing black clothes, will leave you tired and exhausted.

What colors attract tsetse flies?

Clothing fabric should be at least medium weight because the tsetse fly can bite through thin fabric. Wear neutral-colored clothing. The tsetse fly is attracted to bright colors, very dark colors, metallic fabric, particularly the colors blue and black.