Can I use my US health insurance in Spain?

Can I use my US health insurance in Spain? A passport is required, but you won't need a visa to visit Spain unless you plan to stay for more than 90 days. Your U.S. health insurance won't work in Spain, so it's crucial to get comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses ahead of time.

What happens if I need to go to the hospital in Spain?

Hospitals in Spain For scheduled hospital appointments and treatment, patients have to ask their GP for a referral. In an emergency, patients can go directly to A&E (accident and emergency) at the nearest hospital, without a referral.

What happens if you have a medical emergency abroad?

The nearest US embassy or consulate can help travelers locate medical services and notify your friends, family, or employer of an emergency. They are available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, overseas and in Washington, DC (888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444).