Can I use my Scottish bus pass in Wales?
Can I use my Scottish bus pass in Wales? Your bus pass is valid for use on all registered Bus services within England, so if you are visiting other places you should be able to use your pass. It is not valid in Wales* or Scotland.
Do over 60s get free train travel in Wales?
If your primary address is in Wales and you're either aged 60 and over, or meet the Government's disability eligibility criteria, you can travel for free on most bus services in Wales and the borders, and get discounted or free travel on many rail services.
Can OAP bus pass be used all over UK?
Where can I use my bus pass? Your bus pass is valid for use on all registered Bus services within England, so if you are visiting other places you should be able to use your pass. It is not valid in Wales* or Scotland.
Can I travel anywhere in the UK with my bus pass?
Where can I use my bus pass? Your bus pass is valid for use on all registered Bus services within England, so if you are visiting other places you should be able to use your pass. It is not valid in Wales* or Scotland.
Can I use my Scottish bus pass on trains?
You can travel for free, at any time, on any local bus service or scheduled long distance coach service. The card also entitles you to cheaper fares on First ScotRail trains and the Glasgow Subway.
Can I use my bus pass on the ferry Scotland?
You need to bring your National Entitlement Card (which you might also know as your Young Scot Card, saltirecard or bus pass) with you when you travel. Ferry staff will check you have a valid card and voucher when you travel and will check the date of birth on your card.
Can I use my Scottish bus pass to go to Carlisle?
Carlisle and Berwick-upon-Tweed travel Your NEC is valid on services to and from Carlisle and on services to and from Berwick-upon-Tweed from anywhere in Scotland.