Can I use my normal bank card in Bali?

Can I use my normal bank card in Bali? Credit and Debit cards are widely accepted in Bali. You can pay with a credit card at hotels, spas, restaurants and stores. In many foreign destinations, cash is absolutely necessary but in Bali you won't need to keep that much on hand. Credit or debit cards can pay for almost all accommodations.

Do you have to pay for Bali visa in cash?

Length of stay and types of Visa: If your stay is 30-days or less, please obtain a Tourist Visa upon your arrival into Bali, Indonesia. The cost is USD$35 which can be paid in cash or by credit card upon your entry into Denpasar's International Airport.

Will my debit card work in Indonesia?

Traveling to Indonesia? Learn about the best way to take your money with you. The majority of Indonesians use cash to pay for purchases. The national currency is the Indonesian rupiah, so you'll want some local currency and a Visa or Mastercard debit card on hand to access more cash when you need it.

What is the best way to pay for things in Bali?

Cash is the preferred payment method in Bali, so it's best to carry enough to enjoy your day, including smaller denominations or change for local shopkeepers and warungs.

How much do you spend in Bali per day?

Bargaining is common in Bali, so don't be afraid to haggle for a better price. Overall, budget travelers can expect to spend around $30-$50 per day in Bali, while mid-range travelers can expect to spend around $50-$100 per day. Luxury travelers can expect to spend several hundred dollars per day.

Is it better to pay cash or card in Bali?

Using Bank Cards or Credit Cards
Paying by card in Bali is a fairly safe option. Most of the bigger restaurants, resorts, shopping stalls will all accept payment via card. Taxis, small local restaurants (warungs), beach bars, and market stalls still only accept cash.

What is the best currency to take to Bali?

It's best to take Indonesian Rupiah to Bali. If you can't buy some before your trip, the next best options are Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR). You can easily change these 3 currencies almost anywhere on the island.

How much money should I take to Bali for 1 week?

Typical Costs for 1 Week in Bali
For a comfortable private tour (2–4 people): About 160–220 USD per day per person is typical with private guide, 4- or 5-star hotels, nice meals, and private transfers included. For this standard of vacation in the US, the average price is 500+ USD.

Is $1000 USD a lot in Bali?

Yes, it's possible to live off USD $1,000 per month in Bali. But, of course, it all depends on your lifestyle. If you're a single person, you'll need anywhere between USD $750 and USD $2,500 per month. Couples and families who share the cost of rentals will save quite a bit of money.

Is it normal to tip in Bali?

As I mentioned earlier, tipping is not customary in Bali and you will not find too many locals asking for tips. However, if you received great service and would like to show your appreciation, a small tip is always appreciated.

Is Bali cheap for US citizens?

The average cost of a trip to Bali is around $3000 USD for two people for two weeks. This budget includes flights, accommodation, food, activities, and transport within Bali. Of course, this is just an estimate and your actual costs may be higher or lower depending on your specific travel plans.

How much money do I need for 2 weeks in Bali?

On top of flights, if you budget around $100 per day for your trip to Bali it would be more than enough. This amount would enable you to stay in a mid-range hotel, eat out for every meal and enjoy some of the island's best activities. Therefore, $1500 per person (plus flights) would be plenty for two weeks in Bali.

How much cash should I bring to Bali?

I suggest for 10 days in Bali that you bring about $250-$500 USD cash per person. This will be more than enough to cover your day-to-day cash expenses on a small to medium budget. Now let's talk about some of the costs that you can expect on your Bali trip.

What can you not bring to Bali?

Goods categorized as prohibited and restricted goods such as:
  • Narcotics.
  • Psychotropic.
  • Explosive Materials.
  • Fire-arm and Ammunition.
  • fire works.
  • Defined Books and Printed Materials.
  • Audio and/or Visual Recording Media.
  • Telecommunication Equipment.

Do they speak English in Bali?

Most Balinese speak at some English
English is the common “third” language (after Indonesian and Balinese) and the most popular foreign language by far. A lot of Balinese speak a level of English that allows them to communicate with tourists on a basic level.