Can I travel long distance with a baby?

Can I travel long distance with a baby? But you will probably want to stick close to home as much as possible for the first few months after your baby is born to ensure his or her safety and health. Many pediatricians recommend waiting until your child is at least 3 months old before traveling long distances.

How long can a 2 month old travel by car?

Many car seat manufacturers recommend that a baby should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hours, within a 24 hour time period.

How long can a toddler be on a road trip?

Rather than stressing yourself out about frequent stops, build them into your road trip itinerary. Kids shouldn't be in their car seats for more than two hours at a time. Make frequent pit stops for food, bathroom breaks, diaper changes, and to get the blood flowing.

How soon can a newborn travel long distance by car?

Many pediatricians recommend waiting until your child is at least 3 months old before traveling long distances. This allows for their immune system to be better developed, making them more resistant to infections. This applies to babies who are born full-term and have no other health conditions.

What age is it safe for baby to travel long distance?

But infants aren't as fragile as parents sometimes fear. And by age 3 months or so, babies are pretty good candidates for travel, as long as the trip is low-key.