Can I take sand dollars from the beach?

Can I take sand dollars from the beach? In most states, taking a living sand dollar from the beach is illegal. However, laws vary about collecting a dead sand dollar. It's best to check for signs at the beach, look at your state laws online or ask a lifeguard or warden working at the beach.

Can you travel with sand dollars?

SAND DOLLARS are tricky but I love chicken salad/deli salad containers for these. If you pack these with paper towels (again, you can use anything for padding for layering- I've even heard people using slices of bread) so they don't move around too much, they will probably make it home without breaking.

How do you pack sand dollars for travel?

n Styrofoam peanuts or sawdust work well as filler for packing larger shells. n For sand dollars or other delicate, specimens buy a loaf of bread. Put each specimen in between two pieces of bread and re-pack.