Can I take my vape to Cancun 2023?

Can I take my vape to Cancun 2023? It's illegal to bring electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and solutions into Mexico. You could have these items confiscated by customs officials if you have them in your possession. You could also be fined or detained.

What happens if you put a vape in checked luggage?

If you put a vape in your checked luggage, the battery may be damaged by extreme temperatures, or the device may be damaged by any bumps or turbulence during the flight. Additionally, the device may be confiscated by the airline if it does not adhere to the airline's policies.

Can I bring a vape to Cancun 2023?

It's illegal to bring electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and solutions into Mexico. You could have these items confiscated by customs officials if you have them in your possession. You could also be fined or detained.

How do I pack my vape for international travel?

To bring a vaporizer and e-cigarette device onto the plane, you must have it with you on your carry-on bag. Nothing besides juices and e-liquids can be stored in the checked baggage. If you are to carry e-liquids in your carry-on bag, they must be stored in a transparent case and can only contain up to 100ml.