Can I spend 90 days in Spain then 90 days in Portugal?

Can I spend 90 days in Spain then 90 days in Portugal? The 90/180 rule applies to all of the European countries which have signed the Schengen agreement, so it doesn't matter if you spent your days spread out between countries; as long as those are Schengen member states, the time you spent in those countries is counted towards your 90 days. They go over the 180-day limit.

Can I spend 3 months in each European country?

Citizens who are EU nationals can travel within the area visa-free and with no restrictions on the amount of time they spend in each country. Non-EEA nationals can travel to Schengen without a visa, but they cannot stay for longer than 90 days in 180.

Is Spain scrapping the 90-day rule?

Spain has renewed interest in lobbying to have the 90/180 day scrapped after successfully dropping its post-Brexit visa requirements for British touring performers in a win for the UK music industry, and now it appears that it will go all the way and ask to scrap the 90-day ruling for all UK citizens coming to Spain, ...

Can you spend 90 days in each European country?

Yes, you can. However you must carefully calculate your days of stay as the overall period of stay must not exceed the overall total of 90 (ninety) days of stay within any 180-days period (see above).

What happens if you overstay your 90-day limit in Spain?

Prison sentences – Staying in Spain for over 90 days in any 180 days without a valid visa can result in jail time. Depending on how long you overstay your welcome, you could be sentenced to 6-12 months in prison.

How can I stay in Spain for more than 3 months?

If you are a non-EEA national (including British) and wish to stay in Spain for longer than 90 days, you will need a visa. You should apply for the visa that suits your purpose from a Spanish Consulate in your home country.

Can I visit Spain twice in 90 days?

Furthermore, once you've used up your quota of 90 days, you cannot return to Schengen until 90 more days have passed. For example, if you enter Spain on January 1st and spend 90 days in the country until June 30th, you cannot return to Spain until at least the end of September.

Can I holiday in Portugal for 6 months?

U.S. citizens may enter Portugal for up to 90 days for tourism or business without a visa. Your passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay.

What happens if you overstay 90 days in Portugal?

If you overstay 90 days in the EU, you risk deportation. Countries can legally imprison you, deport you, or give you a limited number of days to leave. That said, deportation is rarely enforced for a visitor who isn't attempting to work illegally or claim benefits.