Can I see what Uber drivers say about me?

Can I see what Uber drivers say about me? To find your ratings breakdown go to settings, tap privacy and then privacy centre. In the privacy centre, click “would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber”. From there, scroll down to “browse your data” and then tap on “view my ratings” and your breakdown will be revealed.

Can Uber drivers leave comments about you?

Drivers have always been able to rate riders after the trip, but now they will be able to leave specific feedback that Uber can then surface to riders so they can improve their rating. Whether riders take the criticism to heart or dismiss it as patronizing, though, remains to be seen.

Does Uber punish you for speeding?

Absolutely. Uber and Lyft drivers need to follow all the same rules as the other cars on the road. If a rideshare driver commits a traffic violation they can be pulled over and will face the same penalties as everyone else.

How many warnings does Uber give you?

Engaging in fraudulent activities, even once, can lead to permanent deactivation from the platform. Normally you will receive up to 2 warnings before this happens, but this depends on the severity of the situation.

Can you see what Uber drivers say about you?

You'll see how many drivers gave you a stellar 5-star rating, how many handed out the dreaded single star, and everything in between. The ratings breakdown is available to all Uber users right in the Privacy Center, which can be accessed by logging into your account online or in the app.

How do I request a specific Uber driver?

Favorite Driver allows riders to select specific drivers whom they'd like to be matched with when requesting Scheduled Rides. You can add drivers to your Favorite Driver list during the rating process on Scheduled Rides by tapping the Favorite button.

Is 4.7 a good Uber rating?

Anything less than a 5 is essentially an “Uber fail.” If we are forced to accept that a driver risks being disconnected (essentially fired) for an average star rating of 4.6 or lower…

Why Uber drivers give low ratings?

Four Uber drivers revealed why some passengers might have lower ratings than they expected. Obnoxious friends, slammed doors, and left crumbs could leave you with one star, they said. Loading cars with bags and making drivers wait could also bring ratings down.

Is 4.2 a bad Uber rating?

I have a 4.85 Uber passenger rating, is that good, bad, or average? It's pretty average… most riders will have a 4.8 or higher. Anything less than 4.7 and you will start seeing it take longer to get a ride, because drivers will begin declining to take a ride from someone with a rating so low.

How do I remove a 1 star rating on Uber?

In order to ensure a consistent and reliable experience, we are unable to remove individual trip ratings on request. Keep in mind that although you will rate a rider after every trip, riders are not required to do the same. Ratings are optional for riders.

Do Ubers record you?

Uber says audio files are encrypted and stored on the device of the person who enabled it. The company explains that “no one can listen to the audio — including Uber, the rider or the driver” while the recording is on a device. Uber does not have access to it unless one of the parties submits an issue and attaches it.

Who is the highest rated Uber driver?

San Francisco's Lazhar Bedri earned the notation of longest tenure for being an Uber driver since July 2011. Las Vegas' Fatou Cissokho received the highest rating — earning nearly 4,000 five-star reviews. Birmingham driver Charlana Moses was recognized for having made the most trips.

Does Uber know if you speed?

Uber's driver app can detect and record if you are accelerating aggressively, stopping quickly instead of gradually and if you are exceeding the speed limit for a specific stretch of roadway.

Is 4.75 a good Uber passenger rating?

What is a Good Uber Rider Rating? Any rating above 4.7 is good to excellent. While a 5 star rating is the best you can get, it is virtually impossible to maintain. Drivers try to rate honestly, but sometimes you get the short end of the stick and catch them on a bad day, or do something they might not like.