Can I log instrument time as sic?
Can I log instrument time as sic? Yes. You may log instrument time as a condition of flight, in accordance with 14 CFR 61.51(b)(3). Conditions of flight apply regardless of weather you are PIC, or SIC, or the rules under which the flight is operated. You may not log approaches or landings which you have not performed, for currency.
Does ATD instrument time count?
Log it as “ground trainer” time or “ATD” time in your logbook. It can count for instrument currency, too! *However, While you can log as much as you fly, the FAA limits the amount of ATD time you can use as credit towards certification minimums.
What counts as simulated instrument time?
A pilot cannot log an IAP for currency in an aircraft without also logging actual or simulated instrument time. Simulated instrument conditions occur when a pilot uses a view-limiting device in an aircraft to prevent the pilot from seeing outside visual references.
Does sic time count as total time?
Appropriately logged SIC time can be applied toward the 1,500-hour total flight time requirement for ATP certification, and can also be logged toward some of the specific ATP flight time requirements including those in FAR 61.159(a)(1) through (4).
Can you log flight time as a sensor operator?
As a professional aviator and aerial sensor operator, it doesn't matter what type of aerial platform you fly, be it fixed or rotary wing, manned or unmanned, tethered or free flight, you should be logging your flight time. It's not just a pilot thing!
Can student pilots fly at night?
A student pilot may not operate an aircraft in solo flight at night unless that student pilot has received: (1) Flight training at night on night flying procedures that includes takeoffs, approaches, landings, and go-arounds at night at the airport where the solo flight will be conducted; (2) Navigation training at ...