Can I live in Greece permanently?

Can I live in Greece permanently? Legal Requirements for Permanent Residence in Greece Greece's residency program requires the application for the permanent residence permit to be filed with the The applicant must also have the following: Hold a temporary residence permit for at least five years.

What are the disadvantages of living in Greece?

The most remarkable cons of life in Greece include high bureaucracy levels, frequent strikes and demonstrations, unemployment, and underwhelming tourist traps. How expensive is Greece? The price levels in Greece are 12% below the EU average.

Does Greece have free healthcare?

Public Healthcare in Greece. The Greek Healthcare System is called ESY, and it provides free healthcare to all the citizens and residents of Greece. Additionally, you are eligible for this healthcare system even if you are an expat, EU citizen, or unemployed.

Why is it so cheap to live in Greece?

The parity of the euro to the dollar has positively impacted the cost of living in Greece for expats. The dollar goes further than it ever has, making every day, and especially larger purchases, more affordable. If you're considering purchasing real estate in Greece, now is an opportune time to take the plunge!

Can I live in Greece with only English?

No need to speak Greek Many people living in Greece don't speak the language. There are many opportunities for foreigners to work in Greece without speaking Greek. Most of these companies are very international, meaning that most employees speak a certain level of English.