Can I hike to Scouts Landing without a permit?

Can I hike to Scouts Landing without a permit? You need a permit to hike Angels Landing These include but are not limited to: Hikers going to Scout Lookout do not need a permit. Visitors using the park shuttle do not need a permit or reservation. Visitors entering the park do not need a reservation, but do need to pay the park fee.

What can I hike instead of Angels Landing?

The Canyon Overlook Trail is an incredible alternative to the Angels Landing hike if you want to avoid the congestion and intense difficulty of Angels Landing! Views of lower Zion Canyon at the end of Canyon Overlook Trail in Zion National Park. You do not need the shuttle to get to this day hike in Zion!

Are kids allowed to hike Angels Landing?

Young children should not do this hike. Yes, I do know kids that have successfully hiked Angels Landing at a younger age, but they had heaps of prior experience. Anyone attempting this hike needs prior experience hiking with chains and along exposed trails before hiking Angels Landing.

What happens if you hike Angels Landing without a permit?

Hiking Angels Landing without a permit is a violation of 36 CFR 1.6 (engaging in a permitted activity without a permit) and is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and/or six months in jail. Angels Landing permits are: Only available through online lotteries on

Is Angels Landing the deadliest hike?

Angels Landing is known as one of the most dangerous hikes in the United States. The summit is over a thousand feet off the valley floor and has no guard rails. People have hurt themselves, and even fallen to their deaths, so this is a trail to take seriously.

What to do if you don t get an Angels Landing permit?

You do not need a permit to hike up the west rim trail towards Scout Lookout. The view from the top of the chain section (Angels Landing) is unparralleled however you can see some exceptional views from the west rim trail above scout lookout as an alternative.

Do they actually check permits at Angels Landing?

A ranger may check your permit at the Grotto (Shuttle Stop 6), at Scout Lookout or along the trail. If you do not have your permit with you, we may not allow you to take your hike.

Do you need walking sticks for Angels Landing?

Pack What You Need Walking sticks are great for the hike to Scout Lookout, but once you start up Angel's Landing, they won't be much help. The climb is simply too steep, and clinging to the chains is far safer.

Why do I need a permit to hike Angels Landing?

Zion National Park is piloting a permit program to hike Angels Landing starting April 1, 2022. The program provides a fair process that will improve visitor experience and protect park resources along Angels Landing. Permits will be required at all times of the year and times of day.

Is Angels Landing an easy hike?

You must have a good level of physical fitness. Most of this climb comes before the narrow spine of Angels Landing. If you are very fatigued by the time you get to this point, it only makes the hike more dangerous. Once you are on the spine, it is a very strenuous, sometimes technically challenging climb to the top.

Is Angels Landing difficulty?

Angels Landing trail is strenuous and challenging for both the mind and body. We wouldn't recommend it for young kids or for anyone with vertigo, a fear of heights, or two left feet. For the final climb, you traverse a narrow ridge with anxiety-inducing drop-offs on either side.

Can the average person hike Angels Landing?

To hike Angels Landing, you have to: Be in good shape, as the hike is 5 miles (round-trip) and ascends many steep switchbacks over 1,500 feet. Tolerate heights, as the last (and most famous) section of the hike goes across a narrow stretch of rock with cliffs on both sides called the Hog's Back.

Can you get to Angels Landing without the shuttle?

Even without the shuttle, you can still get to those Zion must-see spots (like Angels Landing, The Narrows, and Emerald Pools) by biking the Scenic Drive into Zion Canyon. Don't want to bike into Zion Canyon? Hire a private shuttle. There are also a handful of Zion hikes that do not require the shuttle to get to.