Can I go to Japan with a Japanese tattoo?

Can I go to Japan with a Japanese tattoo? Yes, Japan allows foreigners with tattoos to visit the country. However, people with visible tattoos may be barred from certain places like onsens (hot springs), gyms, swimming pools, and some traditional ryokans (inns), as tattoos are often associated with the Yakuza.

Can you go to Tokyo Disney with tattoos?

Wearing items that cover the face entirely or significantly (but excluding those required for medical purposes). Wearing long items that come in contact with the ground. Having tattoos with words or designs considered inappropriate.

Can you go to Japan beaches with tattoos?

Some beaches are also off-limits to people with large tattoos (small ones are usually not a problem). If you want to go to a beach where tattoos are prohibited, we recommend wearing beach clothes with long sleeves or legs so that your tattoos aren't showing.