Can I get my UK prescription in Spain?

Can I get my UK prescription in Spain? You can use a UK prescription to get medicines, including special food required for medical reasons, in Spain. Prescription medicines are not free in Spain. With an EHIC or GHIC you get a reduced rate, but you'll still pay: 50% of the prescription price.

How much does a prescription cost in Spain?

Average cost of medical prescriptions in pharmacies in Spain 2010-2021. In 2021, the average cost of medical prescriptions in pharmacies in Spain amounted to approximately 11.5 euros, up from an average price of 11.3 euros reported a year earlier.

How to get free prescriptions in Spain?

As an expat working and contributing to social security in Spain, you'll get access to free doctor appointments and subsidised prescriptions by presenting your Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual or TSI- your Spanish Health Card. Your legal spouse and children under the age of 15 will be entitled to healthcare as well.

What to do if you run out of medication abroad?

While traveling in a foreign country If you're in a foreign country and lose or forget your medication, call your primary care provider and explain the situation. They may be able to write you a new prescription that you can bring to a local pharmacy in your current location.

What happens if I need to go to the hospital in Spain?

Hospitals in Spain For scheduled hospital appointments and treatment, patients have to ask their GP for a referral. In an emergency, patients can go directly to A&E (accident and emergency) at the nearest hospital, without a referral.

Do I need a doctor letter to take medication abroad?

Ask your doctor for a letter on their letterhead explaining your medical treatment and necessity, translated into the host country's language, if necessary. Pack enough medication to last the length of your trip and no more than personal-use quantities.