Can I get an Uber in St. Thomas?

Can I get an Uber in St. Thomas? While you can't request a taxi using Uber in Saint-Thomas, you can request a trip with UberX, a different ride option with unique features, directly from the Uber app. To get started, open the Uber app, enter your pickup and dropoff locations, then select UberX from the list of ride options.

How do you get around St. Thomas without a car?

Public transportation services are available in St. Thomas through the bus system and safari bus routes. The fares are $1 per person but routes are limited.

Are taxis in St. Thomas cash only?

Some taxis accept credit cards, but the majority of taxis in St. Thomas are cash only.

How do tourists get around St Thomas?

For visitors who wish to take in the sights, a variety of options exist. You can enjoy an island tour via safari bus or taxi, rent a car or motor bike, or travel on the Vitran public bus system.

Are there taxis at St Thomas Cruise Port?

When you disembark from the ship you can be assured that there will be taxi drivers and tour drivers waiting for you. Popular destinations like Magens Bay, St. Thomas and Trunk Bay , St. John also always have taxis waiting to take you back to the ship or ferry.

Do you tip taxis in St Thomas?

Tipping is the same as the US or Europe - 15% of your restaurant check, more if service has been exceptional. An extra dollar or two for your taxi driver is fine, more if he/she handles bags or conducts a good island tour. Being thoughtful and considerate is appreciated anywhere in the world.

What is the etiquette in St. Thomas?

As you are arriving to St. Thomas, keep in mind that local etiquette is to first greet people as you are addressing them with a “Good Morning/Afternoon/Night.” If you are unsure of the time, “Good Day” is always acceptable.

How do I get a taxi in St. Thomas?

Call tel 340/774-7457 to order a taxi van. If you don't plan to rent a car, it's easy to find taxi drivers. Just have your hotel or restaurant call a taxi for you, no matter where you are. Even better: Get the card of a favorite taxi driver and let him or her know your itinerary—or call the drivers we recommend below.