Can I get a ticket for parking too close to a driveway?

Can I get a ticket for parking too close to a driveway? Even parking too close to a driveway is enough to get a ticket (but not a tow). In most places, you can't be within a few feet of one. And that includes parking too close to your own driveway, too! Contact your local government to learn about the specific rules in your area.

How do I stop my car from turning around my driveway?

Install metal posts a couple of feet high on either side of the entrance to the driveway and then hang a chain across it.

Can you park in front of your own driveway in New York?

In New York, it is illegal to park in front of a driveway, whether it's public or private. This will land you a parking ticket, and your car will be towed. However, you can park in front of a driveway if you are the building's owner or tenant in that building with the driveway.