Can I fly to Jamaica with a gun?

Can I fly to Jamaica with a gun? If you decide to travel to Jamaica: Do not attempt to bring firearms or ammunition. This includes stray rounds, shells or empty casings.

Is Jamaica or Mexico safer?

Neither Jamaica nor Mexico are particularly safe destinations for travelers, so it's hard to recommend either for a vacation. That being said, a well-informed traveler can greatly reduce the risks associated with visiting either country.

Will I be safe in a resort in Jamaica?

Jamaica's resorts are generally safe, beautiful places that have everything you need to have a great vacation. If you plan a resort vacation, it makes sense to stay on the resort grounds – especially at night, or when alcohol might be involved.

Is Jamaica on high alert?

Jamaica - Level 3: Reconsider Travel. Reconsider travel to Jamaica due to crime. U.S. government personnel are prohibited from traveling to many areas due to increased risk.

How expensive is Jamaica?

The average traveler to Jamaica spends about $100 a day on their trip. Since the cost of living in Jamaica is lower than on some other Caribbean islands, items such as food can be very inexpensive. Also, the Jamaican dollar offers great value against the American dollar, so you can really maximize what you spend here.