Can I fly if I just found out I'm pregnant?

Can I fly if I just found out I'm pregnant? Air travel is generally safe if you're having an uncomplicated pregnancy. If you have any pregnancy complications, check with your midwife or GP that there's no medical reason to stop you flying, such as high blood pressure or a risk of deep vein thrombosis.

Can you travel before 6 weeks postpartum?

Keep in mind, if you do hop a flight soon after delivery, there's a high risk for blood clots that's associated with pregnancy?and it persists for six to eight weeks postpartum.

How soon after giving birth can you fly?

Most new moms who have had few, if any, complications during childbirth and are recovering well will be fine flying a few weeks after a c-section. However, many obstetricians advise against non-essential long-distance travel with your baby until they are at least 3 months old.

Why you should not travel in first trimester?

For some pregnant women, flight turbulence and the motion during takeoff and landing can cause nausea and vomiting. The first and last trimesters are the highest risk periods during pregnancy. Some airlines won't let you fly past 36 weeks, but most don't have restrictions during the first few months of pregnancy.

How many weeks pregnant can you fly Ryanair?

If you have a single pregnancy, travel is not permitted beyond the end of the 36th week of your pregnancy; For a twin/triplet pregnancy, a 'fit to fly' letter is required between 28-32 weeks, and travel is not permitted beyond the end of the 32nd week of pregnancy.

How do I get a fit to fly letter for pregnancy?

However, if you are in a hurry or can't take the time off work to see your GP, you can order a certificate online. With ZoomDoc, you can access a verifiable fit-to-fly certificate signed by a medical professional on the day of contact. Simply complete the online form and upload your most recent maternity notes.

Can you travel in 1st month of pregnancy?

Generally, air travel before 36 weeks of pregnancy is considered safe for people who aren't dealing with any pregnancy problems.

How do airlines know how pregnant you are?

The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised. If your health care provider says it's okay for you to fly, and your plans are flexible, the best time to travel by air might be during the second trimester.