Can I fly from TJ to Mexico City without a passport?

Can I fly from TJ to Mexico City without a passport? Flights to Mexico All passengers must present a valid passport and visa if applicable.

What do I need to fly if my passport is expired?

At the Airport For domestic flights: For domestic flights, bring an alternate form of valid, government-issued photo identification to the TSA checkpoint. If an expired passport is the only ID you have, bring additional documents that can confirm your identity.

Can you book a flight with expired passport?

Yes, you can book and pay for the flight. However, you'll need a valid passport in order to check-in, so be sure to leave enough time to receive your new passport. If you don't get your passport in time, you'll lose any money you've paid for your ticket that isn't refundable or lost to change fees.

Can I fly from Tijuana with an expired passport?

The Mexican government only requires that your passport must be valid during the entirety of your trip. Please contact the airline(s) you will be flying on to ensure that they let you board the plane as the United States does have a six months validity rule for passports that may apply.

Can I use my birth certificate to go to Mexico on a cruise?

Mexico Cruise Passport Requirements US citizens on closed-loop cruises, meaning they begin and end at the same US port, can travel to Mexico with proof of citizenship other than a passport. Accepted alternative documents include: US state-issued copy of the birth certificate.

What documents do I need to fly within Mexico?

Flights within Mexico
  • Mexicans must present a valid photo ID: ¦ IFE/INE* ¦ Passport. ¦ Professional license. ¦ IMSS or ISSSTE card. ...
  • Foreigners must present a valid photo ID: ¦ Passport. ¦ Residency. ¦ Another official photo ID.
  • Minors may present any of the following: ¦ Birth certificate. ¦ Passport. Flights to Mexico.

Can I use my birth certificate to go to Mexico?

To clarify, U.S. citizens entering Mexico must present proof of citizenship (such as a certified copy of a birth certificate), photo ID and proof of sufficient funds. A passport and visa are not required of U.S. citizens entering Mexico for tourism or for transit for stays of up to 90 days.