Can I eat yogurt with Bali Belly?

Can I eat yogurt with Bali Belly? Taking probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your gut health, can help prevent Bali belly. They can be found in supplement form or in certain foods such as yogurt. Taking probiotics can help prevent and treat Bali belly by restoring the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

Can you drink Coke with Bali belly?

Coke or soda water is not recommended to be consumed when we have Bali Belly. Drinking Coke or soda water could worsen the irritation in our bowels, and Coke could also make us feel more bloated. Mineral water with added sugar can be then consumed to replace soda water when we suffer from Bali Belly.

Does Bali belly clear up on its own?

It's often caught within the first week of travel, as your body tries to adjust to new environments and new bacteria. Bali Belly can clear up within a matter of days, however, more serious cases can require hospitalisation if you become severely dehydrated.

Can you eat fruit with Bali Belly?

Your poor belly will be in turmoil, so don't make matters any more unpleasant by eating spicy, rich food, drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol, and eating fruit or fermented foods. All of these foods are likely to cause further bloating, dehydration, diarrhoea or digestive turmoil generally.

Are eggs good for Bali belly?

Raw or under-cooked meat, fish, shellfish and eggs are also foods you want to be weary of so you can prevent your risk of Bali belly.

How do you stop diarrhea in Bali?

Here are some examples of over-the-counter medications for travelers diarrhea that you may find in Bali:
  1. IMODIUM (loperamide): This medication helps reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea by slowing down the digestive system. ...
  2. DIATABS: or similar Antidiarrheal.