Can I drive in Europe as a tourist?

Can I drive in Europe as a tourist? If you have a valid license from your home state, you can drive in European countries for up to 90 days without further documentation. However, once you have spent more than 90 days in Europe and wish to continue driving there, it is recommended that you get an International Driver's License (IDL).

Can you just drive between countries in Europe?

In most of Europe, crossing borders by car is a painless process. The Schengen Area allows you to drive from the Arctic to the Mediterranean without so much as a passport check. Besides the members, some microstates have open borders with the Schengen Area.

Can tourists drive in other countries?

If you are a U.S. citizen planning to drive while traveling abroad, find out the driver's license requirements for the country you are visiting. You may be able to drive in another country with your state-issued U.S. driver's license or with an International Driving Permit (IDP).

Where is it cheapest to rent a car in Europe?

Out of all the popular cities in Europe, Bucharest is the cheapest city to rent a car in at just $2/day. Renting a car in Bucharest is 85% cheaper than renting one in Dublin where the per day rate is around $13.

What is the hardest city to drive in Europe?

Brussels, Belgium Brussels takes the top spot as the hardest city to drive in, with an overall score of 23 out of 100.