Can I drive in Costa Rica with Indian license?

Can I drive in Costa Rica with Indian license? Car rental requirements Most visitors can drive in Costa Rica with a valid driver's license from their home country. An international driver's license is only necessary if the home license is written in a different alphabet, such as Mandarin, Arabic, or Hebrew.

Why not drive at night in Costa Rica?

Costa Rican roads Driving outside of San José at night can be dangerous due to narrow or poorly maintained roads, many of which lack adequate lighting, markings, guardrails, and street signs. Some streets are marked incorrectly; others are not marked at all.

How much cash should I bring to Costa Rica?

How Much Cash Should I Carry in Costa Rica? In general, it's a good idea to carry between $50-$100, most of which should be composed of small and medium-sized bills (example exchange rates include $20 =10.000 colones, $10=5.000 colones, $4=2.000 colones, $2=1.000 colones.)

What is the cheapest month to go to Costa Rica?

The cheapest time to visit Costa Rica is during the green season or rainy season, May to November. As the largest influx of tourists visit Costa Rica during the dry season (December through April), that is the most expensive time to visit. Read more about Costa Rica weather to know what to expect.

How much do you tip in Costa Rica?

You're free to add something extra if you think it's warranted, but if you calculate your tip as a percentage of the entire bill, you'll be tipping on the 23% already added for taxes and service. Still, no tip will be unappreciated, even if it's 1,000 or 2,000 colones ($1.50 or $3).

Is Uber reliable in Costa Rica?

Is Uber safe in Costa Rica? Yes, Uber is safe in Costa Rica and you'll have near enough the same experience here as you do in any other country. We never had even the slightest problem using Uber in Costa Rica and we've never heard of anyone else having an issue.

Is Costa Rica cheap or expensive?

If you're wondering “Is Costa Rica expensive?”, the answer is yes and no. Compared to other Central American countries like Nicaragua or El Salvador, Costa Rica is generally more on the expensive side. It's pretty well-developed and has a thriving tourism industry, so things do cost more.

Can you drink the water in Costa Rica?

Tap water in Costa Rica is generally clean and safe to drink. In some areas of the country, though, mainly on the Caribbean side and in non-touristy pockets around the country, it's best to stick to bottled water.