Can I drive a rental car from Switzerland to France?

Can I drive a rental car from Switzerland to France? Cross-border fees: Switzerland to France Most car hire companies in Switzerland will let you take the car in France at no extra cost. Just check when you're booking the car and let the counter staff know when you'll pick the car up.

What is required to drive a rental car in France?

What are the driver's licence requirements for car hire in France? All drivers must produce a full, valid driving licence. Non-EU licence holders are required to have an international driving permit if the licence is not in French. All renters must produce photographic ID - this can be a passport or driving licence.

Can I rent a car in Zurich and drive to Germany?

Can I rent a car in Switzerland and drive to a nearby country? Cross-border travel is permitted to Austira, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden only.

Do I still need an international driving permit to drive in France?

Do I need an international driving permit for France? Yes (or a translation) if your driving license is not from the EU or not in French. Please note that residents might be forced to exchange their foreign license after a while.

Where is it cheapest to rent a car in Europe?

Out of all the popular cities in Europe, Bucharest is the cheapest city to rent a car in at just $2/day. Renting a car in Bucharest is 85% cheaper than renting one in Dublin where the per day rate is around $13.

Can I drive in France as a tourist?

As long as you are a tourist and have a valid driver's license written in the Roman alphabet from your country, you don't need to carry an international driving permit to drive in France. The minimum age to drive in France is 18 years old.