Can I drink the tap water in Malta?

Can I drink the tap water in Malta? According to all the EU and WHO guidelines the tap water in Malta is safe to drink.

What is the etiquette in Malta?

Modesty is important for Maltese, and they do not appreciate people who put themselves above others. Swearing and blasphemy may be offensive to your Maltese counterpart. Take care not to use language that may offend them. Many Maltese are open to any conversation topic.

What country has the healthiest tap water?

Scandinavia and Finland Individually, the nations of Scandinavia all rank very highly when rating clean tap water around the world. If you put them all together, it's clear that this region of the world is where one can find perhaps the cleanest and safest water flowing from taps.

How do you drink water in Malta?

The quality of tap water varies across the island, but generally tap water in Malta is safe to drink if you use special filters like faucet filters, jugs filters or under the sink reverse osmosis filters that will remove any harmful contaminants that maybe present.

Should I take cash to Malta?

DO make sure to always have cash. Malta is on the euro and while most restaurants take credit cards, you'll need cash for boat rides and snacks.

Is Malta cheap or expensive?

Malta is moderately priced as a tourist destination. Like any location, it depends on your travel style and budget. You can find budget accommodations and meals, but high-end options are available as well.