Can I drink coffee in a Lyft?

Can I drink coffee in a Lyft? Drinks are fine if they don't spill. Spillage may result in a cleaning fee. As an Uber/Lyft driver, why is it that people who say they will tip you, they never do?

Does Uber allow hotbox rides?

Uber is not offering marijuana-friendly cars or a so-called “hotbox” ride option, contrary to claims on social media. A fabricated screenshot circulating online and saying the rideshare app offers marijuana-friendly cars is satirical, and a spokesperson for the company told Reuters the information was false.

Are Uber drivers allowed to smoke in their car?

Drinking or smoking while on the job. An Uber or Lyft driver is required to be sober when working under either company. If they are found smoking or driving in the vehicle while a rider is present, they will likely lose their job as their negligent actions may pose a safety risk to the rider.

Can Lyft drivers talk on the phone while driving?

Tips for interacting with passengers We recommend that you don't take personal calls while driving. A phone call-free ride creates a friendlier and more welcoming environment for passengers. We advise avoiding sensitive subjects such as dating, politics, religion, and sexual orientation.

Why do Lyft drivers ask where you are going?

Because Uber Lyft does not tell the driver where you are going until they accept the ride. In some places it does not pay to drive a long distance to pick you up to take you a short distance.

Can you get banned off of Uber for throwing up in someone car?

Just sometimes, I've had drunk people. Two or three times, they've thrown up in my car, Farman said. Now, if drunk passengers vomit in his car, they could be banned from using Uber. It's in the new rules put in place by Uber to protect drivers and riders.

Can you drink in an Uber in Texas?

In Texas, there are limited circumstances where alcohol may legally be consumed in a vehicle. Can you drink in an Uber in Texas? It is legal to drink in an Uber, Lyft, taxi, or other motor vehicle designed, maintained, or used primarily for the transportation of persons for compensation.

Can my husband ride with me while I drive for Lyft?

You're only approved to give rides in the vehicle(s) on your profile. If you want to switch vehicles, make sure the photo on your app matches the new vehicle before giving rides. See instructions for switching your vehicle. Don't bring your friends or family along.

Can you ask a Lyft driver to stop for food?

Whether you want to drop off another person, pick up some food on your way to the party, or run another urgent errand, Lyft enables you to take full control of your ride, plan the route and add a stop during your journey.

Do Uber drivers have cameras in their cars?

Can Uber Drivers Use Cameras? Yes, both Lyft and Uber drivers can install and use cameras, and many rideshare drivers rely on footage for safety or evidence in the event something goes wrong.

Is it rude to not talk to your Lyft driver?

No, it is not rude at all. Drivers have to take cues from passengers, and if you're talking about just you as a passenger, I tend to open with just saying hi and asking how they're doing.