Can I change hotels in DTS?

Can I change hotels in DTS? You can cancel or change a lodging reservation in DTS at any time, unless the reservation is for a date that has already passed. To change a reservation: Starting on the DTS Dashboard, find the card that represents the trip with the reservation you want to change.

How do I know if my DTS authorization is approved?

Check document status by logging in to DTS. Go to Official Travel vouchers or authorization, and then look in the Sort by Status column. Or, go to the digital signature page within the document. If you can't access to DTS, contact your Defense Travel Administrator (DTA) to check the status of your document.

How many travel days are authorized for TDY?

Two days of travel are authorized. The traveler performs duty on the day of arrival at the TDY point.

Can you take leave while on TDY?

Leave in Conjunction with Official (LICWO) travel occurs when you* combine official TDY travel with leave travel that requires a modification to your official itinerary. For example, if you are TDY to Los Angeles and want to fly to Seattle for personal reasons before you return home.

Can I book a hotel outside of DTS?

If you do not have access to DTS, you should contact your TMC to make privatized and commercial lodging reservations.

How do I book a hotel in a different time zone?

Booking a hotel in a different time zone is precisely the same as booking one in your own time zone. You work out where you want to stay, contact the hotel (electronically is usually a smart idea), and make the booking. You can go via a third-party website or do it directly via the hotel, whichever works best for you.