Can I cancel waitlisted counter ticket online?
Can I cancel waitlisted counter ticket online? You can cancel your Waitlisted counter tickets up to 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the journey. No refund is applicable after that. For waitlisted counter tickets, the cancellation can be carried out by the passenger at the PRS counters or via the IRCTC website.
Is online waiting ticket valid to travel?
While booking ticket, those get 'confirmed' status or 'RAC' (Reservation Against Cancellation) status they can travel on the journey date but those who get 'WL' status, they cannot travel on the ticket as they will not be given a seat/berth in the train.
Why is my ticket on waiting list?
If no tickets for an event are currently available, then the event may offer a waitlist for tickets. Additional tickets sometimes become available when current ticket holders can no longer attend OR the event promoter decides to release more tickets.
What happens when waiting counter ticket is not confirmed?
If your ticket remains fully waitlisted after chart preparation, it will be canceled automatically and your money will be refunded into the account which was used at the time of booking.