Can I buy vignette at Munich airport?

Can I buy vignette at Munich airport? You can buy the Austrian Vignette (toll sticker) after leaving the Munich airport at any highway gas station.

Can I buy Austrian vignette online?

The toll sticker has been compulsory on Austria's motorways and expressways since 1997. All cars, motorbikes and camper vans up to 3.5 mpw (maximum permissible weight) must properly display a toll sticker or have purchased online in time a digital vignette when they drive onto a motorway or expressway.

Do you have to pay to drive on the autobahn?

Although Germany began charging an autobahn toll for trucks in 2003; passenger car drivers can still drive the Autobahn without any extra charges (so far). But neighboring Austria and Switzerland (plus France and other European countries) charge a toll, for using their high-speed, limited access highways.

What is the fine for not having the Austrian vignette?

What's the Fine if I'm Caught Without a Vignette in Austria? A spot fine of €120 is to be paid if you're unable to show proof of a valid vignette in Austria. And if there's evidence that you tampered with a toll sticker, you'll have to cough up €240.

How much is the road use fee in Austria?

In Austria, tourists can buy a vignette good for 10 days up to a full year. The vignette prices begin at 9.40 euros for a 10-day sticker and range up to 89.20 euros for a full year. Motorcycles also require vignettes. The sticker is designed so that you cannot remove and reattach it.

Do I need a vignette from Munich to Salzburg?

From the Walserberg border crossing to the Salzburg-Nord exit, no motorway toll sticker is required. You need a motorway vignette to use the motorway beyond that.