Can I buy Burj Khalifa tickets at the gate?

Can I buy Burj Khalifa tickets at the gate? Yes, you can buy tickets to the Burj Khalifa on the same day. However, you need to keep in mind that the most popular times (sunrise and sunset) often sell out well in advance. In this case, going to the counter and buying tickets is risky as the tickets for the time slot you require might not be available.

Do I need to book tickets for Burj Khalifa in advance?

A. We highly recommend purchasing your tickets in advance, especially on weekends. This allows you to plan your experience at your leisure.

Is the sunset worth it at the Burj Khalifa?

You can visit Burj Khalifa year around whenever you want to. But the best time to enjoyt the view from the tallest building the world or the tallest man made structure in the world in during the sunset or the sunrise. This is the ideal time you can enjoy an outstanding view from there.

Which floor is best to visit in Burj Khalifa?

At 555 metres (1,821 ft) high, At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY on Level 148 offers visitors the unprecedented opportunity to soak up unmatched views of the city and beyond, from an outdoor terrace and a premium lounge. Enjoy a guided tour to Level 148, before heading over to levels 125 and 124.

How long does it take to see Burj Khalifa?

Average visit time The average time it takes to enjoy At the Top is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes however, you are welcome to take your time. Please note that the average visit time may extend accordingly during peak seasons and sunset times.

How much is the ticket for the Burj Khalifa 2023?

Ticket price for adults (12+) is 247 AED or 63 EUR (67 USD), for children (4 - 12 years) is 212 AED or 54 EUR (58 USD), and for infants (below 4) the Burj Khalifa tickets are FREE.

How far in advance can you book Burj Khalifa?

Yes,people are booking the tickets to view the Dubai skyline from the 124th floor of Burj Khalifa. It is advisable to book the tickets online for 100 AED as the immediate entry admission is AED 400. However,you can book the tickets only 30 days in advance.

What is the difference between level 148 and 124 in the Burj Khalifa?

The 148th floor is MUCH more quiet and you will get exceptional views with little privacy. Lounge area allows to sit down and you can ask for juice or coffee as much as you like.

What time is the Burj Khalifa light show?

What time is the Burj Khalifa light show? The timings of the Burj Khalifa light show changes from year to year. Presently the show runs six times each day- every half an hour between 07.45 PM and 10.45 PM, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday only. However, it would be advisable to enquire before arriving for the show.

Is it worth going on top of Burj Khalifa?

Yes it's worth going up to the burj khalifa. 125 or 124th floor is enough to enjoy and get the view you are looking for. Going to the 148 is costly and not very much necessary if you are on a tight budget . It's cost 125 dhm if you wish to go upto 124 + 125 floor.

How long is the queue for Burj Khalifa?

With At the Top tickets, you can expect at least 30 minutes of waiting time as most visitors choose to view only the lower deck. The premium At the Top SKY tickets usually has a waiting time of hardly 15 minutes as you get priority access to the elevator.

Can we visit Burj Khalifa without ticket?

Once at the Burj Khalifa, you'll have to get tickets for your At the Top or At the Top SKY experience. To make things easier, there is a main counter which will give you all types of tickets, and a private counter right across it, which you can use only if you have an At the Top SKY ticket.

How long is the elevator ride at Burj Khalifa?

The Burj Khalifa elevator speed is 10 meters per second, making the elevators among the fastest in the world. The Burj Khalifa elevator time to reach the observation deck on the 124th floor is only one minute.

What is on floor 124 Burj Khalifa?

The observation deck on the 124th floor gives you 360-degree views of the city and the Arabian Gulf. Get early-hours access for a limited-time sunrise viewing at Burj Khalifa Level 124, every weekend from Oct 28 to Dec 31, 2023.

Can you skip the line at Burj Khalifa?

Save precious time and buy Skip The Line Tickets for Burj Khalifa in Dubai in advance or via your phone when you are already in town. No need to print your priority skip the line entrance tickets.

Is it cheaper to buy Burj Khalifa tickets online?

This is simply not possible. If you buy your ticket there, they will give you a date and a time-slot to come back and visit (which is not convenient at all). In addition, in Dubai, the tickets are cheaper when bought online in advance! In this Burj Khalifa guide, I give you all my best tips to organize your visit.

Is Burj Khalifa better at night or day?

A good bet is to go in the early hours of the day (8:30 AM-10:00 AM), early afternoon (1:30 PM-3:30 PM) or after 8:30 PM. The ticket during these hours is priced at a decent AED 135 and you also get a Burj Khalifa experience without the overbearing crowd.

What is the entry fee for Burj Khalifa?

Burj Khalifa At The Top Ticket prices - Level 124 & 125 The adult ticket price (12+) for this experience within the peak hours (3 pm - 6.30 pm) is 244 AED or 63 EUR (67 USD). Ticket prices for children (4 - 12 years) are AED 152 or 39 EUR (42 USD). For infants (below 4), the Burj Khalifa tickets are FREE.

Is it worth going to floor 148 Burj Khalifa?

Whether or not it is worth paying 300 AED to visit the 148th floor of the Burj Khalifa depends on your budget and your priorities. The 148th floor offers slightly higher views than the 124th floor, but the difference is not significant. If you are on a tight budget, then visiting the 124th floor is a good option.