Can I brush my teeth with tap water in Thailand?

Can I brush my teeth with tap water in Thailand? It is perfectly fine to brush your teeth with the water straight from the tap, touch your face or eyes after you've washed your hands, clean your pots and pans with the water, etc.

Is it OK to shower in Thailand?

Bottled water is very cheap to buy at the numerous 7/11 stores etc. Stick to bottled water for drinking. It is available everywhere and not expensive. However, the water is safe enough for you to have a bath, wash your hair, brush your teeth.

How clean is the water in Thailand?

Major water quality problems in Thailand's rivers are dissolved oxygen depletion, fish kills, high ammonia nitrogen, high coliform bacteria, and eutrophication phenomena. Approximately 43 million people in Thailand drink contaminated water, which can cause diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid, and dysentery.

Can I eat street food in Bangkok?

The first rule of Thai street food is: if you see Thais eating there, it's probably safe – street food vendors rely on regular customers so it's not in their interests to make people ill! If you see a lot of Thais eating there, it's probably really good, too.

Is it safe to walk around Thailand at night?

Is Bangkok safe at night? Just like pretty much any other place in the world, Bangkok can get quite sketchy at night. If possible, stick with a group instead of heading out alone and don't go wandering off into small side streets. Opt for a taxi to get around, even if it's just a short distance.

Should I bring a water bottle to Thailand?

You can refill water bottles with filtered water for just a few cents in Thailand, so save some money by bringing your own water bottle and filling it up as you go. You'll also help reduce the number of plastic bottles washing up on the gorgeous Thai beaches.