Can I be resident in Spain but not tax resident?

Can I be resident in Spain but not tax resident? Under Spanish law, the concept of part-year resident does not exist. An individual is either resident or non-resident and is taxed as such for the entire tax year. However, in certain situations, a person may be resident for tax purposes in two different countries.

Can Brits still get residency in Spain?

British citizens / UK nationals now have to follow the same process as other non-EU national citizens of third countries to get Spanish residency, i.e. there is a requirement to first obtain a visa.

Can you have dual residency in Spain and UK?

Once you have obtained Spanish citizenship, you are considered a Spanish national and no longer a citizen of the UK in the eyes of Spain. As such, your British identity documents and any associated rights do not apply in Spain.

How much money do retiring UK citizens need to get a residency permit in Spain?

You do not need to invest in the Spanish economy, but you must be able to show evidence of self-sufficiency to be eligible for the visa. The minimum amount is 400% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM). This is about 27,792.96 euros.

How do you prove you have enough money for your stay in Spain?

Economic means may be accredited by presenting cash, traveller's cheques, a credit card accompanied by a bank account statement, an up-to-date bank book, or any other resource that accredits the amount available, such as a credit statement regarding the card or bank account.