Can I arrive earlier than my check-in time Royal Caribbean?

Can I arrive earlier than my check-in time Royal Caribbean? Your check-in appointment is dedicated for your screening, so arriving earlier will have you turned away until your time.

Can you check-in cruise early?

Your check-in time is the time at which you can enter the cruise terminal on embarkation day. The earliest check-in time is around 10:30AM and the latest in mid afternoon, and we always recommend reserving the earliest time available.

What is the 99.75 charge on Royal Caribbean?

Just like some land-based hotels, guests can expect to see an initial $99.75 pending charge or authorization on their credit card. This pending amount is used to secure funds for anticipated onboard purchases. Purchases made onboard over the initial $99.75 will generate additional holds.

Can I change my check-in time Royal Caribbean?

SETSAIL PASS Swipe left to view the SetSail Passes for other Guests in your party. If you need to edit your check-in or change your port arrival time, tap 'Edit Check-in' to make the necessary changes. When your documents (EDoc) are ready you will be able to find them on your Cruise Planner account on your computer.

What is the earliest you can disembark Royal Caribbean?

Typically, disembarkation starts with express walk-offs who are willing to carry all of their baggage with them off the ship at 7 AM (although this depends on whether the US Coast Guard and US Customs have given the ship clearance to start disembarking).

Is it better to check-in early or later for a cruise?

Fewer crowds at the cruise terminal One of the best reasons to get an early check-in time is to avoid crowds at the cruise terminal. The embarkation process is fairly straightforward, but it entails going through several lines before you can board your ship.

How many times do you change clothes on a cruise?

I change 2-3 times per day but many items may be worn more than once during the cruise. I've only cruised to the Caribbean. I usually have a day clothes (shorts, shirt or casual dress), then change for dinner, and then often change to jeans or something for hanging out at karaoke or seeing a band or something.

How long do cruise check ins take?

Depending on the cruise line, size of the ship/number of passengers, and how efficient the boarding process is, embarkation can range from 30 minutes to a few hours.

Do you have to pay pre paid gratuities on Royal Caribbean?

If you do not opt to prepay gratuities, a daily charge will appear on your SeaPass account every day of the cruise for the daily gratuity rate per guest. The daily gratuities is in addition to the 18% gratuity automatically added to all beverages, mini bar items, and spa & salon purchases.

What time are rooms ready on Royal Caribbean?

Check if your stateroom is ready After 1pm, check to see if your cabin is ready. You will find your SeaPass cards wedged in the stateroom number sign. If it's ready, collect your SeaPass cards, explore your stateroom, drop off your bags. What is this?

Do I need to print my set sail pass?

Your must bring your SetSail pass to the port to enter to cruise terminal. Please make sure you print your SetSail pass after you check-in. You must print your SetSail pass 3 days prior to the sail date. We recommend to download the Royal Caribbean App to display your SetSail Pass on your phone (no need to print).

What is the check-in time range for Royal Caribbean?

The earliest times are often somewhere around 10:30am, while the latest times are around 2:30pm. These, however, are subject to change depending on your sailing. Check-in times are not automatically assigned by Royal Caribbean and are reserved on a first come, first serve basis.

What is the best time to board a cruise ship?

The best time to board a cruise ship is obviously when there are few lines and short waits. The trick is knowing when that will be. Unfortunately, it can vary from port to port and ship to ship, but I prefer arriving in the early afternoon, usually around 1 or 2 p.m.

How do you get early boarding on a cruise?

Here's our list of 15 ways you can board your cruise ship faster.
  1. Book a suite. ...
  2. Earn loyalty status. ...
  3. Pay for exclusive access. ...
  4. Fly in the day before. ...
  5. Stay close to the port. ...
  6. Leave luggage with porters. ...
  7. Have luggage tags ready to go. ...
  8. Book a private transfer.

What happens if you arrive early for your cruise?

It all depends on which cruise line you are sailing with and how busy the terminal is. Boarding will continue up until one to two hours before the scheduled departure time. If you arrive at the terminal a few minutes before the ship's departure, you will not be allowed on.

Are cruise rooms ready when you board?

It's important to note that if you board very early, your cabin may not be ready yet as they're probably still cleaning from the last cruise. Once settled in, or if your cabin isn't ready, it's time to explore the ship and check out everything there will be to do throughout your trip.

Can you go straight to your room on a cruise?

Many first-time cruisers don't realize that they won't be able to go directly to their staterooms upon boarding. Pass the time while you wait for your room to be ready and for the ship to set sail by enjoying lunch on the Lido Deck of the ship. This is a great way to make sure you aren't starving by dinner time!

Can you leave early on a cruise?

The vast majority of passengers simply sail their normal cruise itinerary. But can you just get off the ship and return home on your own terms? The answer is yes, but there are some major complications (and laws) that should be considered.